CHAPTER 43 - Winter Season Supplies

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It was three more days later that gone and passed by on the first week of the new month in Z-city.

And so far, it looks like everything is going fine, very well, and all good when Eden and her group have gathered the necessary and important supplies and stuff to get through the winter season. The children were still playing and enjoying themselves as Talia takes care of them and watches over them, while the others were busy sorting out all the goods and scavenged stuff into the storage units, as well as rationing wisely them all into what is needed and what are the ones that will be stored for the future ahead.

Nadia, Sahara, Ole Bessie, and Mother Ying sorted out the clothing, food, and water goods and supplies, while Mark and Homer sorted out the electronic and technological devices that can be recycled or reused for suitable use to increase their home security as well as modify and fix them to better use in the future or so. Finally, Eden, Ryu, and Daiyu are sorting out the weapons between putting them into storage and necessary use for the days ahead to defend and protect themselves from any dangers that might come at them, even as the winter season comes and passes in Z-city.

It didn't look like they went through many difficulties and hardships upon gathering the necessary and important supplies to get through the cold weather and winter season coming in, but then it appears that they have encountered and went through a few skirmishes of sorts, considering the fact how it's a little visible with Eden having some recent bandages on her person, as well as Sahara and Ryu having some small wrapped linen gauze and splints on each in the wrist and foot, looking like they have twisted sprains or broken appendages.

However, it looks like the injuries aren't very serious or major for them to be useless and disabled. Ryu and Sahara seemed to be fine and that they'll recover from their splinted and wrapped injuries very soon or so, even though it amused Ryu a bit when his brother Daiyu kept fussing over his girlfriend Sahara. That's also including Sahara's sister Nadia too when she also noticed this.

It was actually about two days ago that the incident happened that caused Eden, Ryu, and Sahara to get those bandaged and treated for injuries when they went out to grab and gather more supplies somewhere out there in Z-city, that's not in the Danger Zones this time, and they managed to successfully scavenge all the kinds of stuff they need to last them long enough throughout the winter season.

After grabbing another big pile of supplies and storing them all during the past three days, Eden and the whole group are relaxing peacefully as they can to get through the days ahead before the winter season finally comes, and it looks like nothing bad or something far worse has happened yet, much to all of their relief. But Eden and the others are not letting their guards down in case something does happen to them, either in a good or bad way unexpected or not.

Right now, Eden is currently relaxing back in her room without her two children present as Michael and Annie are enjoying themselves, learning another survival lesson or something from Talia teaching them and the other kids. The only companion with her in the room at the moment is Luna. But then it became a bit of a surprise when Ryu knocked to let her know of his presence and asked if he could join her inside the room.

Needless to say, Luna wasn't very pleased with this human male invading her master's private territory-of sorts, but Eden calmed her loyal dog down and allowed Ryu to come in, since she sees him as another trusted friend now, along with the two elderly women, Sahara, and Nadia, but for the remaining others, Eden is still assessing them or something like she's trying to ascertain their trust more, even their potential.

After Eden let Ryu in, she watched in small glances besides looking distant and thoughtful to herself and saw him working on carving a miniature sculpture or something when she noticed that he brought a very sharp knife and a hand-sized block of wood and he was neatly and expertly carving the wood into something very intricate and good, whatever kind of sculpture design he's making or something.

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