CHAPTER 36 - Supply Run Tensions

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It was two days later in the third week of October as the time has gone and passed by at that very date and time in Z-city. And it appears that Eden and the selected members of the group in Safe Haven have already gone through the supply run a day ago or so before and completed their mission.

Albeit it looks like they went through hell or been through the wringer of sorts, judging from the few bandaged cuts and wounds and wrapped-up splinted sprains they must have suffered through in that very run they went through back then. Fortunately, it looks like they haven't suffered much besides some physical wounds, such as emotional or mental trauma or something.

But then, the only reason why they made it out alive and well, is all because of the lone survivor who stayed and live long enough in Z-city, Eden herself. And the others know about that main fact very well now and they're all grateful for it.

Mark and Homer got what they need from the supply run, even though the black African man, Homer seemed to be a little shaken from something that happened during the supply run before, but he seemed to be fine when his friend Mark reassured him, as well as his two sisters Nadia and Sahara comforting him.

It appeared that Eden was the one who saved Homer before he got hurt at the time, it's also one of the reasons why Ryu, Daiyu, and Sahara are staring at her intensely with respect and awe. But Sahara was looking at Eden much more than the two men, with wonder on her face like she just found her new idol of sorts.

However, Eden doesn't seem to be comfortable with the kind of staring attention on her from Sahara when she noticed it but didn't let her know that she does. Eden tries to maintain her cool and composure as she usually does, but it looked like she's having difficulty doing that since Sahara and then a few others are looking at her as if she's their new hero or leader of some kind.

Still, Eden was a little grateful that the stares were stopped after the second day later from the supply run before, and their routine went on as usual as it is to be in Safe Haven.

Mark and Homer are now working on fixing and improving the security devices and monitors to keep their group safe and more secure in Safe Haven as they stay there for a long length of time, depending on their situation upon Eden's assessment and such. Then Ryu and Daiyu were sorting out the new pile of weapons they had scavenged from the supply run and neatly putting them in the storage units as well as separating the suitable ones they are going to use always and such.

Sahara would have helped the two men in sorting the weapons, but she was busy helping her sister Nadia, the two older women Mother Ying, and Ole Bessie with the house chores and other tasks that are needed to ensure their long-time stay and survival in Z-city. Talia, on the other hand, is doing her usual job as a caring guardian, looking after the six children as they continue playing around with happiness and enjoyment, much to Eden's amusement and Talia's chagrin when she noticed it from her.

For Eden, she resumed her usual routine, between helping around doing the chores, looking after and teaching the children, as well as taking guard-watch duties too among the group in Safe Haven. Even though it's been quiet and peaceful since the two days of that third week had passed and the mission on the supply run had been accomplished, Eden is not letting her guard down anytime soon, as she is being hyper-aware and alert, and on full-on guard to watch out for her group in Safe Haven.

Right now, at the night-time of the second day there in the abandoned building up on the rooftop is Eden, taking over the night-watch guard post duty as usual, but she's alone this time and will be all by herself for the whole night, as Eden volunteered to do so when she told the group this.

It was fortunate that the new housemates trust her on this, even though Ryu and Daiyu still look at Eden suspiciously when she tries to take on certain tasks and duties all on her own alone when she requested or asked about it. But it seems that the two men are leaving her alone for the moment since they're focused on their group much more than on her at the time then, and it made Eden a little relieved over it, that the attention was turned away from her, only for a short moment or so.

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