CHAPTER 25 - Friendly or Enemy

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It was now the first days of the first week of the new month in Z-city, and Eden still seemed to be busy doing her new routine of teaching and training herself to be a better fighter and survivor to go through this zombie apocalypse by keeping and staying alive, safe, and being well and sound.

Eden marked those days in the Calendar room since she first set it up, to scratch down the exact days so that she won't forget. After she did that, she did her routine and continued to teach her children and train the two dogs so that they'll learn a lot of useful knowledge and everything, to ensure their survival in the future.

It has been only five days on that very first week of the new month, that has gone and passed by at the time, and Eden's small group seems to be peacefully content and living well, despite the abandoned apocalyptic-state city they are in is mostly zombie-infested but Eden already marked off the exact zones on where the undead threats are.

Besides the Calendar room, Eden had also decided and worked on another empty room beside it, and then newly set it up as a 'Map' room, which in all four wall sides of the room and the room floor itself is designed to look like the entire yet almost exact scale and diagram of the map of Z-city itself. The design of this Map room was also made up to look like a big room-like compass with Safe Haven as the center and the wall facing the Map room's door as the North point.

Unlike the Calendar room's color design, the Map room was drawn and colored in intricate various colored marks, paints, lines, waves, and almost everything else to show off the entire map of Z-city but most of the city map had many bright blaring colors that marked off the danger zones and spots of all three zombie types, that nearly blocked off or in the path of any possible escape route out of the zombie-infested city they are staying and living in.

Eden doesn't look to be worried or concerned at all that they don't have any clear escape route out of the city, in case they need to when the time comes or so. Because it looks like she had already planned more runs into Z-city to look, mark, and check out any more possible escape routes if there are any for the future.

As for the Calendar room, it is only painted with two colors white as the entire background of the room and black as the marking 'tallies' of the dates, time, and little notes that were added next to the dates to mark or show off the events and incidents that happened during those days, times or something.

After Eden was done marking the date and time tally in the Calendar room, she breathed out a sigh and went to check on her children in their room to see if they want an early lunch or something before she goes up on the rooftop to do her usual new routine on studying knowledgeable books and physical training more, until the time or situation came that she needed to go out on the run into Z-city for other tasks or goals she needs to do.

When Michael and Annie instantly agreed with Eden's inquiries about having an early lunch, she instantly cooked it up and set up their meals, and once they were done eating all of it, Eden left the children to themselves to play any more games they have in storage with the puppy Archer joining them, and the kids' guardian went upstairs to the roof to do her studies and exercises.

But as Eden was doing and working on them up on the roof and the time had now passed on to the middle of the afternoon, something happened that suddenly caught her attention and broke her focus and concentration in reading and training in an instant when she noticed it.

At first, Eden thought that the soft-sounding music playing on the boombox beside her, as she was doing push-ups while reading at the same time with the book open and lying right in front of her face, had gotten static sounds interfering in between. However, she stops instantly in a frozen upright position upon finally realizing that the static didn't come from the music boombox--but from the linked baby monitor that serves as her 'intruder' or incoming threat/enemy alarm.

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