CHAPTER 35 - Dangerous Zones

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It was exactly two days later signaling the end of the second week and the beginning of the third week of the month as the time passed by right on the dot there in Z-city.

It seemed that everyone in Safe Haven is happy and peacefully content, all except for Eden over there, being tense and cautious, and she's glancing about outside and around like she's expecting something bad to happen or appear out of nowhere that will come and endanger her group.

Even though Eden tried her hardest to keep it to herself so that the others wouldn't notice her anxiety and nervousness, while she is busy making plans and sharing ideas with the selected members of the group who will go with her on the incoming supply run they're planning to go out into Z-city for, it looks like the only one who noticed this, was the same person as before, and that is Ryu.

When Eden got up on the next day after the day before when they had the meeting previously about the supply run they're planning on for the next few days they're making up on a fixed date or not, Ryu secretly went to Eden after finding an opportunity to talk to her alone and abruptly confronted her on what is her problem about the planned trip they were going to go out there into the streets of Z-city when the time comes.

Eden was almost taken aback and caught by surprise when Ryu confronted her like that but it looked like she understood how he feels towards her so suspiciously so she had to confess the truth and told him why she's been acting weirdly like that and being overly paranoid about it like another second wave of a large zombie horde is about to come run over them into their safe place.

It wasn't long for an hour or so to pass by as Eden told Ryu and talked to him about her worries and concerns about the planned supply run they will be going to very soon, and Ryu now understood why Eden was being like this and he nodded to her and responded that he's sure that with him around, everything will be fine.

Eden tensed and looked like she was going to protest over what he just told her in reassurance and comfort for the run but she instantly held it back because she looked like she didn't want to break Ryu's trust in her because of her overreacting paranoia, even though it's very reasonable in her case.

After Ryu said his piece just as Eden said hers in explanation of her strange actions, the two of them went back to check on the others, who are specifically the chosen people made up to go onto this supply run soon on the next days later on, and these people, besides Eden and Ryu, are Daiyu, Sahara, Homer, and Mark.

It was agreed among them that Talia, Nadia, Mother Ying, and Ole Bessie will be left behind along with their six children and two dogs in Safe Haven while they go out on their supply trip to get what they need in the future then. Though Homer protested a little that he wanted to stay behind, Mark deftly pointed out to his friend and work partner that they needed extra hands and eyes to get what they need and make sure that they don't miss anything else and be left out during their run out there in Z-city.

It took about a minute or two for Homer to finally agree to go with them, even though he's not pleased with it, despite that he's also a skilled fighter at a mediocre level or so. His sister Sahara, on the other hand, seemed excited to go out on the planned run and eager to fight against any kind of dangers out there, whether it's a zombie or a living hostile survivor.

Daiyu shook his head a little upon noticing Sahara's excitement over this, making Ryu look at his brother suspiciously like he thinks something is going on between him and the former soldier African woman. Eden seemed to have some idea but she didn't voice it out or show it on her face as she looked over the Map Room again, staring at the specific spots of the area that Homer had pointed out before where the supply run is needed to be dealt with and gone to over there.

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