CHAPTER 23 - New Gadgets and Weaponry

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It was the next new day later from the last one after Eden completed her mission raid on gathering and gaining more supplies and other stuff and bringing them to Safe Haven safe and secure into the storage units there.

It seems Eden was already prepared on how to transport all the goods and materials into the abandoned building, since it's a real hassle to carry them, climbing up and down, as well as hauling them in with the make-shift pulley system she used to make before on getting them up to the rooftop from the semi-truck on the ground floor after she drove and moved it to stand next to the building itself.

Eden managed to find the right opening somewhere on the ground floor of the slightly constructed abandoned-looking building, that has rubble that can easily be removed and put back after she and her group were done and finished with the transportation of goods and bringing them all in.

The adult guardian Eden gestured her children to stay back and stand by as she moved the rubble and debris off easily from the opening she found, and then piled them on one side where it can also be easily put back after they're done. After she was done removing the debris, she went to open up the truck from the back, set down the ramp, and then called for her kids to come over and help her carry the goods and get them into the building, which Michael and Annie eagerly did, sprinting about and running to and fro from the truck to the building with a small arm full of the loads they can carry and lift during the supply short trips and such.

Eden smiled at the sight as she is watchful and aware to note, in case the kids might try to take the heavy loads, which she must do herself only as the responsible adult and guardian to do so, and it was kind of a funny sight when Luna the mother dog insisted on helping too, even though it's obvious that the dog of her kind of size is slightly impossible for it to carry heavy loads as she does.

However, she relented to letting Luna help out by directing it to carry the lighter good and the few that are not heavy enough for a dog to carry and lug around to move them into Safe Haven.

Still, it's fortunate that all of them are full-on energy after having a full breakfast, and that it didn't take long for them to finish before it was lunch-time. And Eden wasn't concerned that they might be seen while transferring the supplies, since she already checked and double-checked around the area and perimeter in Safe Haven of any lurkers or watchers that might be hiding about or so.

Once they're completely done and finished with their task of transporting all the supplies, all of them looked a bit tired from their chore, sweating a bit, except Archer the puppy that seemed to be overly excited to play more or something since the only thing the small dog has been doing is just prancing and scampering about the children's side the whole time they were busy.

Then Eden placed and put back all the concrete rubble and debris into the opening until it was completely covered up and it looked like it was impossible to get in or out from its appearance outside the building. After she was done with that, Eden gestured for the kids to go upstairs and wait for her to make up and cook lunch for them and Michael and Annie obeyed her obediently, going up with the two dogs following behind them.

Eden looked at the messy-like piles of supplies gathered and placed inside the building of Safe Haven around her on the ground floor and nodded dimly like she was reminding herself or making her decision firmly that she'll be the one sorting all the stuff and supplies out and putting them neatly into the storage units.

But first, she'll deal with the important matter, serving lunch for her group and she went to do just that, and it didn't take long for her and her kids to finish eating the meal she cooked for them, as well as the dogs and Eden, ushered them to take afternoon naps while she sorts out the supplies and place them into storage.

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