CHAPTER 5 - Stay or Leave

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It was an early morning of another new day as Eden woke up in her bed in her apartment. She blinked her sleepy eyes, looking like she didn't sleep a wink even though she did peacefully since last night. She turned her head slightly to look at her bedside alarm clock and saw that it was time as the sun rises.

At first, Eden thought that everything she had gone through before was all just a dream but then she noticed the large kitchen knife beside her pillow which she brought and slept with for safety. She sighed upon seeing it and had to accept the harsh reality that what happened last night wasn't a dream.

She blearily sat up from her bed and stretched herself to wake up clearly. Then she did a few routine exercises herself to be alert and active for the day since she can still hear from outside the loud noises of continued chaos breaking out, people shouting and yelling in panicked crowd riots, sirens of police and ambulances driving about, and crashes of vehicle accidents going on from outside the apartment building.

She ignored all the noisy sounds outside while she exercised then after she finished, she took the knife from her bed and walked out of her bedroom cautiously as if expecting that someone or something had broken inside while she's been sleeping.

When she checked and saw or heard nothing, she relaxed slightly and then she had a sudden thought and turned one of her light switches to check if the electricity is still running or not. The lights turned on from her switch and she nodded at this and turned the switch off.

Then she went to make herself coffee which she decided for her breakfast. While the pot is heating up from the gas stove, she took stock of her food, supplies, and necessities, checking to see how long she'd last if she decided to stay here for more than three days. She found that everything would last more than about two weeks and she nodded again with satisfaction on seeing this but she's still planning to decide whether she should leave to meet up with the ones she's scheduled to meet for the coming three days or not.

Before the coffee pot whistled, Eden checked her barricade again, making sure it was secure, checked her ready travel bag and weapons, and then went back to make her coffee. She turned off the stove and the gas and then she sat down on a chair next to her desk with her journal still there on the top and she drank her coffee, letting the drink wake her up more and be more active and alert.

But before she could finish her coffee all the way, she suddenly remembered something and cursed and blamed herself for being careless and clueless, there's also not to mention cruelty when she finally remembered her family.

Even though they had treated her all her life like she was garbage or made her like a black sheep in the family, she still cared and loved them, even when she left without looking back and just left them a note.

She went and grabbed her cell phone, dialed, and called her family, but every call she had tried to get through went to voicemail or an automated voice said that the person you're calling is unavailable. Even though she's not getting any answers or replies from any of her family members, she kept on calling continuously until she gets one.

Then she felt like writing in her journal to ease her stress and calm her down and she went and used her free hand to open the book and write while her other hand is still holding the phone.



It's Eden and I just woke up with what I thought that everything that had happened the last seven days was all a dream.

SURVIVOR'S JOURNALTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon