"Yeah, regret! Why are you letting him force you from leaving the pack," he questions me.

"Forcing me, Moon is this what this is all about, you think he's forcing me, I knew you were a little stupid but I didn't know you were this stupid," I yell at him.

"Don't call me stupid you know I don't like that word," I warn him.

"Yea what ever you idiot, Virgo wasn't forcing me to do anything, I want to leave the pack for a bit, if anything Virgo was forcing me to stay," I tell him.

",Oh," is all he could say.

"Have you told Bello or Brian as yet," he asks me.

"No I haven't as yet I'll tell them when I'm ready," I advised him.

"But why do have to go, this is your home Chester," he says to me.

"I know it's my home and that will never change," I tell him.

"Please stay for me and Rick," he begged me.

"That's it I want to stay for you, I want to fight for you, because I'm still in love with you," I blurt out.

"Then why the Fu* k are you pushing me away for then, I still and will always love you Chester," he holds my hands and say to me.

"Najay we just aren't meant to be together ok," I sob and say.

"What the hell do you mean, I love you and you love me that's all that matters baby," Najay yells loudly.

"Your Virgo's mate not mean, can you honestly tell me that the few days you've spent with him have meant nothing to you," I ask him.

He just looked at me like I just slapped him, he has no idea how strong the mating pull can be.

"Najay from today unwords we are nothing to each other, take me off your mind, I don't need or want you anymore," I tell him and walk past him.

Then shut the door behind be as I head home.

Najay's POV

I wanted to tell him that he was wrong and that i didn't have any feelings for Virgo but deep down i knew he hit a nerve.

I actually am starting to like him, his smile and his mannerisms had my heart doing somersault, when he is near me.

Before i knew it i heard the door being slammed and i was alone in the room, i wanted to chase him but i knew that if i tell him that i wasn't affected by Virgo it would be a blatant lie.

Leaving the office my mind's wonders off before i know it I'm standing outside the pack house.

I toke a walk into the forest, i decided that the best think for me to do was go visit him.

Going up on the lift i enter the pack clinic, heading through the door i walk to the room the he was.

I spot one of the pack wolfs guarding the door, "I'm here to visit Rick," i tell him.

He opened the door after, stepping past him i enter the room.

He was string up with wires as he clunk to life, Lamar had come by and helped stabilized his condition, if not he would be dead but he was still not heal.

There was still a bloody wound in his cheat and his heart was barely beating, he was alive, if you could count one step away from death alive.

Since the day he came back wounded, this is the second time that I'm visiting him.

The moment i had seen him then, i had made up my mind that he wouldn't survive from an attack like that while he was in his human form.

Looking down at the man that saved me from my nightmarish life.

I owe Rick so much, yet I'm an ass to his son.

"Hey old man you look like crap, your beards seen better days," i joke and tell him.

"Gramps your son's here and guess what? We're Fu*king mates, can you believe it we are Mates," say to him.

"And get this he's black, he kinda looks like you, he also has your killer smile,"

"Although he's a total jackass I'm starting to like him,"  i tell him.

"I don't know much about this mate bullshit Rick but i know i still love Chester but ever second i spend with your son it's like I'm experiencing euphorium."

"I don't want lose Chester but at the same time i can't stand not being arround your son Rick," i say to the unconscious Rick lying on the hospital bed.

" I know you have your problems but Rick please I just need your help," I talk to him but there was no response.

I just sit in the room taking the silence as the machine beeped every ten seconds to let me know he was alive.

After spending over three hours there I decide to head back.

Opening the door with my spares  key i step inside.

There was no site of Virgo around, I was glad because I didn't want to face him as yet.

Heading into the kitchen, I went to prepare something to eat, opening up the fridge, I saw dish covered up with my name on it.

There was stew beef and rice with a side of mash potatoes inside. If it was before I would be scared to eat after we just had an argument.

But the wildest thing was that I was actually happy to eat his cooking, the food maybe cold but it set my body in fire.

To know that he still some how cared to leave dinner for me after I accused him of the worst.

Washing up the dish after I ate, I took a shower and went to bed in my room.

Try as I may, I couldn't sleep, I didn't knew I had to get things right with V.

Getting up, I knock on his door, I could hear footsteps coming.

As he the sounds good closer my hear beat increased.

What happened next was what you see mostly in porn. A Naked Virgo opened the door.

If you could put one word to describe what I'm seeing it would be erotic.

Just looking at him gave me the greatest form of pleasure, I swore if I didn't have a strong will that I would already cum on myself.

"What do you want Jay," I heard a disgruntled V say.

It was it that moment I discovered just how sexy his voice was. It was deep and smooth.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for you know! What I did today in your office,"

"It's okay, goodnight," he says and attempts to close the door, but I stop it with my foot.

"What else do you want," he asks me angrily. But honestly I didn't know.

We just stood like that for minutes.

Then Virgo spoke, "I'm gonna sleep," and leaves the door open.

I don't know how are why but my brain told me to enter.

I walked into his room behind him, "I sleep naked would you prefer I where my PJs," he says and bends over to pick up pajama bottom that small rings all over it.

"It's okay I sleep naked, so it wouldn't be fare" I tell him and strip naked.

Taking off my clothes, I head under the sheet. I watch as he came under the sheets as well.

To say that I was nervous would be an understatement. My heart was beating do fast.

It was like i was with my first crush about to have my first time.

The gear shared by both our bodies was making me so hard.

I don't know what I would do, I haven't had sex with anyone but Chester but I wanted to with him.

"Goodnight," was the what Virgo says as he turns off the light and breakes my chain of thought.

Hearing him snore, I decide to sleep as well before I start something that I might not be ready for.

Mated To The Bastard (lone star pack 4)Where stories live. Discover now