:Special Surpise:

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I sat up and yawned. My eyes were blurry so I couldn't tell where I was. "Chaeyoung?"

I patted the whole couch. "Chaeyoung where are you" my eyes cleared up. She was no where.

I got up and walked to a door. I could here a shower running. I knocked on the door hopping Chaeyoung would be in there.

"Oh hi! Sorry I couldn't here you. I'll be out in a second." Moonbyul not Chaeyoung.

"Hey where's Chaeyoung?"

"Um. Here give me a second. I'll be right out. Go get Solar in the other room" where the hell was Chaeyoung? My heart snuck. Is she gone.
No. I can't lose her again. No. Please no.

I walked a couple more feet down and knocked on the door. "Solar?"

"Oh shoot. Yeah I'm coming." She opened the door and hugged me. "Stop"


"Where's Chaeyoung."

"We have to talk about that." No. She's not gone. She said she'd never leave me again.
"She promised!"

"Woah clam down Mina." Moonbyul put her arm around my shoulders and walked me back to the kitchen. "No. This is serious. She left!?"

"Yes. Let me explain Mina" moonbyul made me sit. Solar collected her thoughts.

"Ok. Last night when you were sleeping. Chaeyoung was restless. She was on and off crying. I didn't know what to do so she eventually left your side and came to me. She told me to keep you here no matter what. She's doing the right thing"

"No she's not! She can't leave without telling me! I'll never see her again. My fathers going to be here any second! Why did you let her go!"
Tears flooded my vision. Moonbyul tried to comfort me. I pushed her away and just cried. Why would she leave me. My father would never change his ways. There was no way out of this vicious cycle. I just wanted to be free.

"Hey it's ok. I know she'll be back" I shook my head. "No she won't."

"Yes She will perfume girl" I looked up. No.


A stood up and ran as fast as I could into her arms. "H-how how did you make it back"

"I just said the right things. Let's go catch the fastest plan back home."

"This isn't real Chaeyoung...really!"

"Yes really! Turn around though." I turned and saw both moonbyul and solar with arms open for hugs. I ran to each of them and they squeezed me hard. Moonbyul handed me a paper. "If your ever back in japan just call us. We'll always be here if you wanna hang out"

"Thank you guys." Chaeyoung took my hand. "Let's get the hell out of here"


Back in Korea all of are friends got together and we all spent hours and hours talking.
Everything was finally back to normal.

Mina was right next to me happy. Actually next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder.


"I love you" her cheeks turned read. "I love you too."


I was so excited to be with Chaeyoung again. I felt at peace.

Chaeyoung was feeling anxious about her father. Turns out he was just having a party that day of are call. He opened the door and his jaw could have touched the floor. Instead of hugging Chaeyoung he went right to me. "I have a surprise girls"

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