Sister day.

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"Get up my lazy excuses for sisters!" I yelled into the intercom. I had put on a black beanie, thick black framed glasses with plastic lense, a black long sleeve shirt and pants with converse.

"What do you want Alaska?" Veronica asked in a sleepy tone through the intercom.

"Yeah, I need my sleep you stupid excuse for a human." Paige complained.

"Come on guys let's go do something! Just the three of us!" I said twirling around with the intercom in my hand, wrapping myself up in the cord.

"Last time we did something together, we ended up in jail until Richie bailed us out hours later." Veronica mentioned, Paige agreed.

"That was the past! I'm just talking about let's go to the mall and shop at hot topic and eat those gigantic pizzas at the food court! Then we'll go home and watch a movie or something." I said, attempting to break myself free of the cord.

"Yeah, I guess we can do that." Veronica said followed by a sigh from Paige.

"I'll get dressed..."

"Hey uh one more thing..." I said still trying to free myself "could you guys come help me break free of these cords? I may or may not have gotten stuck while talking.

"...I'll come get you out..." Veronica said, footsteps entered the hallway and stopped at my room. Veronica opened the door only to see me leaned against the wall tied in the cord.

"You're an idiot..." she muttered as she bent down to help me out.

"I'm driving!" I yelled grabbing my keys and heading out the door.

"Why don't you just kill us now?" Paige said looking up at the sky.

We made it to the mall within 45 minutes in the truck.

We bought stuff from hot topic, got boots from the shoe store, and then went to the food court and ate pizza.

"I could marry pizza."

"Coles gonna get jealous."

"Screw Cole, pizzas my number one man." Veronica and Paige laughed and then Paige fell quiet again.

"Do you guys ever think of what happened?" She asked, twirling her straw around in her cup.

"What do you mean?" Veronica asked setting her pizza down as we both looked at paige.

"Ya know, the babies." Veronica and I looked at each other.

"You mean Richie and Andreas twins?" Veronica asked, Paige nodded.

"Well, I know Alaska took it pretty hard. and so did Richie and Andrea." Veronica said, Paige got all flustered.

"I know but why did they die?" I sighed and began to explain.

"When Andrea was younger, she got a birth control shot. and when she got pregnant, it didn't know there were babies in her stomach so it did what it usually does and it ended up killing the babies." Paige nodded

"I was just curious."

"I thought you didn't want a baby in the house?" Veronica asked

"It would of been nice."

We ended up going home and watching the fault in our stars. we needed tissues by the end of the movie

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