5th Bio: Cole Issac Long

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this is Cole's Bio he is over at my house right now because I dragged him out of his bed at his house...dragged him by his arm and while he still had a pillow...dragged him upstairs and into my room and then made him help me with his Bio for this book. I almost died from waking up Cole..

you guys are soooo lucky..

Sibling: My Best Friend...

Age: 15 1/2.

hair color: dark brown

eye color: bright green

Cole is my best friend. has been for 5 years now. we met back whenever we had bought the house and he had to chase his dog shadow across my yard and to the back yard where I had thought he was a theif and he was gonna kill me and my siblings...yeah I was a strange one...

well whn I had saw him I grabbed a rock and ran outside and threw it at him.. really hard and I knocked him out...

he woke up about 15 minutes later and gave me a scared look.

"I was just getting my dog." he had said in an aggravated tone. I looked down at him and smiled.

"wanna be best friends!?" I yelled and he smiled and nodded.

C= Cole

A= Alaska.

C: and your still as crazy as you were 5 years ago.

A: I know. :P

C: but we have had a lot of adventures. like the time we had to break into the school with your Id card just so we could get our homework.

A: thanks to my ninja skills we didn't get caught!

C: yeah, we would of been busted if you fell down the stairs.

A: that was two times..okay five!

C: stairs just don't like you...

A: yeah I know. well I have a question.

C: oh god what is it?

A: who's your celebrity man crush?

C: WTF?! I don't have one.

A: why not?! if the janitor at school has one then why don't you? he has a man crush on Robert pattinson..

C: okay 1. don't talk to that janitor again. and 2. I don't have a celebrity man crush or any man crush for that matter. why the hell would you ask that?

A: I was just wondering geez keep your knickers on..

C: what the hell is knickers?

A: I don't know I think its what old people call pants,

C: my grandma says knickers a lot..

A: okay weird topic.. anyway next question what do you think of Richie paige and veronica?

C: Richie is alright. someone I get along with, Veronica is cool, and paige just straight up scares me.

A: I know right!

C: yeah..

A: okay next question: whats your favorite tmnt character?

C: I knew this was gonna be one of the questions. well since I've been watching them ever since I was a kid my favorite was Michelangelo. you act like him.

A: yeah I know. and you act like the shredder sometimes.

C: that's only when you wake me up.

A: you didn't do that today

C: your just lucky...


cole as a cartoon>

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