50 facts about me

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Heyy guys, so you guys don't know that many things about me so this chapter I'm just gonna name things you don't know about me or already know about me :) alright here we go

1. I beat the shit out of cancer

2. I am a trained fighter (which means I can be a ninja or street fighter)

3. My favorite band is linkin park

4. My favorite band member from linkin park is mike shinoda

5. Favorite color is orange

6. I have a surprisingly clean room

7. I want to become a writer when I grow up

8. I am SO immature (like I'm not kidding I laugh at the duty part in call of duty)

9. I can draw really well

10. I can NOT sing I sound like a cat getting it's tail stepped on..

11. My favorite songs are rebellion, one step closer, faint, the catalyst and bleed it out- all by linkin park (you should listen to them! They're really good!)

12. Alyssa lies by Jason Michael carrol makes my cry because it's about a little girl who was abused and her parents beat her to death.

13. My parents are gone from my life, they have been for eleven years.

14. The next chapter on this book is all about how my brother told us the story I why our parents gave us away to the orphanage


16. I have a crush on my best friend cole again.

17. I have two dogs who are my adorable little babies!

18. My other best friend is a 5 year old named Chloe

19. I work at a flower shop

20. I volunteer at an animal shelter.

21. I have had depression before

22. I used to cut myself (not anymore)

23. I live in Illinois but I'm not allowed to tell where because Richie is such an over protective mother.

24. I absolutely love supernatural!

25. I watch spongebob and naruto on Saturdays.

26. I avoid my teachers in stores if I see them outside of class.

27. I'm batgirl

28. I used to have problems with breathing when I was younger, I needed an oxygen mask and everything.

29. I had to have a leg brace as a baby, my right foot was twisted to the side.

30. My eyes are naturally bright green.

31. I do not have any social networking sites besides wattpad and a Facebook page I never get on.

32. I only have one friend in school and that's cole.

33. Sometimes, cole and I have sleepovers at my house, but he sleeps on the couch.

34. I go to hip hop dance classes.

35. I act like Michealangelo

36. I suck at most academical things

37. Dude.

38. I say that alot^

39. I love pranking people

40. I am 16 now

41. I have a truck

42. I am bullied in school

43. Surprisingly, I have more A's then I have D's

44. I am in love with mocha frappe's from mcdonalds

45. I prefer summer over winter.

46. I am a Sagittarius

47 my natural hair color is dark chocolate brown

48. the only make-up I wear is eyeliner and mascara

49. my favorite movies are the tmnt movies

50. I eat pizza for a living.

That is 50 facts about me :D

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