getting in trouble #1

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okay so unlike last chapter I am going to write it like a normal person instead if what I did last time because its difficult! PS: ask us questions!!! :)


I walked into veronica's room where she was working on some technical looking thingy. I slowly walked to the desk and looked over her shoulder.

"what are you doing?" I said after sitting there for a while. she jumped and slowly put her screwdriver down aggravated.

"I'm making speakers, connecting them with wires and mic's throughout the house so if we are doing something important we can just touch this single button and speak and everyone throughout the house can hear it and reply back without yelling throughout the house." she said I just nodded my head and jumped on the back of her chair.

"let's go have fun!!" I yelled while the chair fell to the floor sending me and her to the ground.

"what are you talking about lets have fun? Richie's working." she said standing back up and dusting herself off.

"so?..." I said giving her a dumb look. she rolled her eyes and sat her chair back up.

"we cant go anywhere. its against the rules." she said I raised my eyebrows.

"since when did you become miss follow the rules?" I said crossing my arms.

"ugh, fine! lets go!" she said pulling my arm.

"come on paige we're gonna go get in trouble!" I said grabbing veronica's wrist and dragged her outside.

"alright about time!" said my nine year old sister with Viper around her neck. five years and that snake still lives

"leave the snake!" I yelled while she glared at me and put him back in his glass cage.

"alright, what first?" veronica asked obviously not wanting to be there

"lets water ballons!" I yelled whispering that we were going to throw them at people.


we filled up the ballons and threw them at people me and paige were fine with it but veronica didn't throw any.

"come on take this in your hand and throw it!" I said putting a water balloon in her hand and making her throw it off the roof of a building we were on. it hit  a guy in a hat and we all started laughing....that was until the guy looked up and we saw the badge.

"you think we should run?" I asked looking between the other two after 5 minutes of sitting there

"too late." veronica said wide eyed the police officer climbed up on the roof and told us to come down.

"what is wrong with you kids?" he asked handcuffing us.

"it was Alaska's idea.." paige said climbing in the car after me

"was not!" I yelled while veronica climbed in

"was we have to wait till Richie comes home to be released from a police station!" veronica yelled

"hey...this is your could of said no to us climbing the building and throwing water balloons. your the oldest out of all of us!" I said before she shook her head.


after spening two hours in the jail cell at the police station I was Richie walk in after signing us out.

"what did you do?" he asked before I gave him my most innocent smile ever.

"you really shoudnt give us chore money.." I said before he rolled his eyes and we left the police station..


later veronica set up the speakers through the house and put in the buttons in the house while Richie went shopping for supper.

"alright!" she said smiling while I pressed a button.

"helloooooo?" I yelled through the speaker I heard a crash and a girly yell come from down stairs.

"who's there!?!" I heard my brother yell I laughed and spoke through the speaker.

"it's a ghost!!...and I will haunt you forever unless you do one thing...let Alaska skateboard in the house!!" I said while the others snickered.

we ran downstairs and Richie was looking at us with his arms crossed.

"you made me drop everything for dinner. it busted on the floor." he said while I smiled.

"then it looks like we have pizza tonight!!!" I yelled grabbing the phone while veronica and paige cheered.

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