What happens in vegas ends up on wattpad part 3

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Later that night, I put on my frilly orange dress. it was a simple knee high no sleeved dress. Veronica and Paige had on the same dress just a different color.

"So how did he ask you?" I asked Andrea smiled as she slipped her shoes on.

"We were at a hotel one day when you stayed the night with cole, Paige was at her friends house and Veronica was at work. We went to a hotel and I went to go take a shower and when I came back into the bedroom he was on one knee and asked me to marry him and I just muttered "holy shit." and Richie was like "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" and I kissed him and said yes I would marry him. and here we are." she said, I smiled as I did her make up. mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, the whole enchilada!

"I love you three girls you know that?" Andrea said giving us a group hug.

"And we love you too." Veronica said, we took a few pictures and then went to the wedding, I drove us all there and have everyone a heart attack as we drove.

"You are a god awful driver." Paige muttered as she got out

"Thanks!" I smiled, we went to the front desk and waited for everyone to get there. the whole time I was texting Cole.

C: so they are getting married?

A: yeah, they are

C: are you gonna tell them about us?

A:maybe later

C: wonder how Richie will react

A: probably like a girl "you can't do this, can't do that, blah blah blah.'

C: lol yeah, probably

A: alright, we are starting, talk to you later.

C: okay, bye.

A: see ya! :)

I stood in line, we were the bridesmaids. even though we didn't have on the same color dresses we were still the bridesmaids.

She walked down the isle last, she looked beautiful. and when they sealed their marriage with a kiss, I cried like a baby.

The plane ride was boring, I just couldn't wait to get to Cole. when I got out of the taxi it was three in the morning. when we came home cole was on our couch in a blanket.

"So cute." I muttered as I got underneath the blanket with him and cuddled up to him, my head on his chest and his arm around me, half asleep, he kissed my forehead as I fell asleep.

"I love you, Alaska."

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