rant #1:abusing animals

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I swear if you ever beat an animal in front of me I will beat the fucking shit out of you. I don't care if you are some 300 pound macho man that thinks he rules the fucking planet and thinks he can beat a poor innocent defenseless animal because he was mad about his football team loosing a game I WILL beat the shit out of you. and that is a fucking promise

it sickens me! it fucking sickens me! Cole and I get these jobs all the time about stray animals who were abandoned and getting these dogs out of abusive homes. and I cant believe some people around my town! kids I go to SCHOOL with abuse their animals and its Cole and I who have to save them.

just before we left work tonight  there was a video sent in about some fucking douche who was holding his dog by the back of his legs up high in the air and kicking the poor dog in his balls! the dog was crying and whining trying to get away from the guy and he twisted its leg backwards, probably breaking it. the dog ran away and I cant sleep now until I find the dog roaming around in the streets in my town. so now I'm in the car with Cole at 12:36 in the morning with naja (my pit bull) in my lap trying to look for the poor dog!

when I see the dude that hurt this dog I'm going to kick his nuts up his fucking throat...

I don't give a shit if anyone messes with me or hurts me, but when it comes down to hurting my family or abusing animals, I will kick your fucking teeth in.

don't hurt an innocent animals because you are upset, or think you are some macho man who needs to hit anything with a tail and snout.

because I swear if I ever learn of you hurting an animal I will be after your ass and treat you the same way you treated that poor animal...

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