3rd Bio: Paige Phoenix Kane

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Sibling: little sister!

age: nine

hair color: blonde

eye color: dark brown

she is my younger sister she has blonde hair and dark brown eyes and her favorite color is red, she has a tendency to get into trouble a lot, and I mean a lot. she does have a short temper and when  you make her mad she will try and break your arm. don't believe me? ask this one girl on the playground that threw dirt at her.. that was the first time I had to pull her off of someone. 

even though we butt heads ALOT she is still my younger sister and I will stick up for her...even if the 4th graders throw rocks at me again...and tape me to a wall...hey those kids are strong and I'm a tall but tiny skater girl!



P:but the kids throwing rocks at you was really funny. especially once  you started to run away and tripped got back up ran and tripped again and then just started crawling away.

A: they were ganging up on me! and then you started throwing rocks at me!

P: It looked fun!

A: not from my point of view!

P: it was from mine!

paiges words about living together in the same house:

crazy: Alaska is the dumb one, veronica is the smart one, and Richie is the oldest one, and im the awesome one.

A: I am not dumb!!!

P: whatever

A: say bye to my fans!

P: you have fans?! how the heck did that happen.

A: for your information they happen to like my books.

P: mhm..sure they do


cartoon of paige on the side>>

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