Paige's first fight.

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me, veronica, and paige were at the park while Richie was visiting a old friend that lived near the park. I was hanging by a tree branch while paige was swinging and veronica was under the tree reading a book

I was listening to music on my ipod, some old music from Metallica!

"sleep with one eye open! gripping your pillow tight! exit light! enter darkness! Take my hand  We're off to never never-land!" I sang into a tree branch just above my sisters head I looked up to where paige was to see her tackle a little girl with red hair to the ground and started punching her in the face.

"veronica! veronica! WE GOTTA GET PAIGE!" I yelled veronica looked up at me then to where paige was dropping her book while I jumped down off the tree we ran to paige and now the bloody nosed girl.

I had to say the music that was blaring in my ears was perfect music for what was just now going on. I pulled  paige off of the little girl and we both landed on our butts in the dirt. veronica sat back and watched as all this went on. she knew what she was doing though she was just waiting for the right time to do it.

"what did you do?!" I yelled at paige. she looked up at me with small tears in her eyes and I knew that whatever it was I wasn't gonna like it. if paige aka the tough one of the group is close to tears then It had to be bad.

"that little BITCH called me an orphan, said mom didn't want me anymore and that's why she gave us all away and then she threw dirt at me and I tackled her to the ground and punched her until I felt it was enough to teach her a lesson."

"its not okay to cuss at your age but.." I stopped and turned to look at the girl. she wasn't much younger than me maybe by a few years but she was too old to be messing with a little 9 year old.

"you. little BITCH need to shut your little fucking mouth before I shut it for you! you know nothing about paige enough to call her names or throw dirt at her or even say her MOTHER DIDNT WANT HER! you deserved to be beat up by a 9 year old and if you think your getting away easily then your fucking wrong!" I yelled before I was pulled away by veronica I struggled in her grasp and I mumbled a few words to the girl that wasn't very nice while Paige was in veronicas other hold she was doing the same thing I was. before we got back to the house a few blocks away.


I was in my room later that night with my music in and my door was open and paige came through the doorway.

"Alaska?" she asked I turned my music down and looked at her.

"yes miss paige?" I asked walking up to her she looked up at me and then gave me a hug.

"thank you for telling that girl off today. it means a lot to me.. I love you Alaska." she said before I hugged her back.

"I love you too its late go to bed." I said before she disappeared out of my room and into her own.


the song I was listening to at the park>>

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