gym time with Richie and Cole.

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I was sitting at how with nothing to do, like every other day. my little sister was causing trouble with her friend Mikael at their house and veronica was at some science center learning more about science an hour away from home. although she knows enough for all four of us. and I was home alone listening to my music and dancing around the house with a mop in my hand.

my brother walked in back home from work. he looked at me smiling back down at his keys to lock the door and back up at me really fast.

"what the hell?..." he asked I smiled and put the mop behind my back. "what were you doing?" he asked laughing and setting his keys on the counter turning back to me.

"uh, well you see..i was mopping.. but then, I got bored and turned on music and it turned into a dance party for one plus a mop.." I said slumping my shoulders.

"aw, is someone bored"  he said ruffling  my hair and I glared at him sticking my tounge out at him.

"well, if your bored you can go to the gym with me and I can laugh at you when you cant lift the weights." he said I smiled and my eyes went wide with excitement.

"okay!" I yelled "can Cole come with?" I asked he agreed.

Cole is my only friend where I live. we met in 3rd grade and we skateboard together :) he has dark brown hair and bright green eyes. my sister veronica said we could be twins. because we look and act the same. I grabbed my phone and  called him.

"hey Cole! get your lazy booty out of bed! your gonna come to the gym with me and my brother and watch me lift a weight that is too heavy!!" I yelled into the phone. he said yeah and walked over from across the street. I was soo happy when I found out Richie got a house next to Cole's.

he walked in the door and met me in the living room I already had something on that was appropriate for a gym. a orange tank top and gray basketball shorts and my ipod with black sneakers. :)

Richie walked out a few seconds later and we got in hi car and drove to the gym. I don't know why Richie goes to the gym he's already muscly...


we got in and I saw a bunch of huge dudes. im talking about guys that have these really huge muscles and nobody know why they still go to the gym. well these guys looked like they were on ALOT of steroids...

a few of them stopped what they were doing and looked at me and Cole I kinda laughed a little bit because they had really big muscly bodies and really small heads. Cole dragged me over to the treadmills and got on one while I got on one next to him

"this is just a warm up." he said I nodded and smiled. I put my headphones in and put on my music

3 doors down: kryptonite.

I smiled and set the time for the tredmill. and the speed

time: 10 minutes

speed: 3.8 miles per hour

I started walking fast on the tredmill and in a few minutes it turned into a full on run. I have a lot of energy because after running for 10 minutes I still didn't break a sweat or start breathing heavy.

"wanna lift some weights?" he asked I sat on a weight machine next to Richie and saw what he had his weights on.

"130 pounds huh?" I asked smiling setting the weights to 150 sitting on the seat and putting my arms on the handles and pulling the weights forward lifting them entirely to the top and back down I did that 55 times then standing up looking around at all of the guys looking at me.

"what!?! never seen a 15 year old girl lift a lot more than she weighs?" I asked smirking and they turned around going back to their machines.

"you only did that because you're pre hyper." Richie said smiling.

"yeah, I would agree with that." I said going to this machine and getting on the other side of it trying to climb on it Cole laughed at me when I stood on top of it.

"you're using it wrong." he said helping me down and showing me what to do.

"sit here, grab ahold of these handles. put your feet under this bar and when you pull up on the bar. lift your legs at the same time." he said while I did so it was a lot harder than it looked.

"okay...maybe something else.." I said picking up these weights and lifting them


the picture on the side is the picture I took of the weight machine that was too hard for me>> :)

Family stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora