question 1

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@tmntgirl4evz you sent this message while Cole was at my house. XD

the following question and the events following it are true.

*gets a message*

Cole: what is it?

Me; he-he uhhh its a message.

Cole: well whats it say?

Me: its from tmntgirl4evz and it asked if I like you or are you Friend Zoned.

Cole: well what is the answer.

Me: *Smiles wide.* *takes a deep breath* your friend-zoned...for now

to be truthful when I first moved here me and Cole tried dating..and it was the most awkward thing I've ever been through. so we both agreed that for now we're cool with being best friends and maybe later when we're older we can try again. but not until then. 

thanks tmntgirl4evz for the question!

you guys are always welcome to ask me questions and new things are happening in my books.

  im making a new book about Mikey and Sam

it's called: Goodbye Again.

Im having a contest.

I really want this book to have an amazing cover but I don't know how to do that.

so whoever wins will get full credit for making the cover, get an update of one of their favorite stories of mine and a part in the story!

thank you and spread the word about the contest!


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