My dearest and bestest friend Gabriella.

The door opened, mother and the officer came out gently and the officer started to say;

''We're on it Stacey, I have took your mothers number and yours too, I will call you personally if I find something related to this case.''

He was so confident and professional while lying to me, I guess thats what they were paid for.

I replied with a smile, like I believed him, I wanted to look equally professional so I said confidently too,

''Sure, please work hard. It would mean alot.''

He smiled back and pointed for me to take the lead in walking outside, back to Rosella road.

We entered the car, this time I sat on the back seat beside mum and the lady officer who had just finished her can of lemonade and had littered it took the front seat in the car beside the main male officer.

Mum held on to my hand tightly, stayed silent and said nothing, I remained silent too and rested my head on her shoulder, closed my eyes and thought about the miserable events that had happend since yesterday.

After a while, I opened my eyes when the officer pressed on the break and pulled the hand break, the car was outside our lane, mother and I got off and made our way towards our house.

''So what did he say? The officer..''

I asked, with my head down.

I wanted to avoid any eye contact in order to not give away any hint that I had heard them, mother replied after a gap of silence,

''Nothing. He said he will work on the case, thats it.''

I stayed silent and continued to walk towards the house.

As we got home, I quickly sat myself down and texted gabriella to ask where she was, I couldn't wait but tell her everything.

She replied,

'At my house.'

I replied quickly,

'Meet me at the coffe shop, NOW!'

I waited for the reply eagerly, and then opened the text on the vibration.

'Only if you're paying.'

I replied frustratedly,


I made my way outside the house swiftly, and headed towards the coffe shop around the corner, and as always, I was the first to be there and was left to wait for that idiot.

She was always late everywhere, but she always made up for it with her equally idiotic excuses I couldn't face.

She was a totally stubborn kid who would always find ways to make sure she was on the winning side, she had one of the best sense of humor and was extremely mature for a 18 year old, she was only 6days older then me but in advices, if I was a good advicer, she was the queen, simply the best.

And her best quality in my opinion was, she would never leave you in a problem alone, she will stand by you like an armour!

Exactly the sort of friend everyone deserved in life.

I sat on the yellow chair and waited for her, and I could see she was coming from far away.

It was so easy to recognise her because of her yellow big boots, her favourite boots.

She came running towards me and sat down on the red seat opposite me, she was exhausted, fighting to catch her breath as if she had just ran a marathon.

After she had finally found her breath, she asked straight away;

''So what problem is it this time?''

I was crystal clear to her, she could read me like an open book, inside out.

I didn't mention anything, but she knew I was in a problem.

I explained everything, guardian angel who she had also seen at the bus stop yesterday, his signs, missing Jay, his texts, the room and the missing body, every single thing in detail.

By the time I completed, we had already almost finished the cup of coffee we were once sipping on slowly as it was extremely hot.

She gave me a tissue to wipe the tears that flowed down my eyes slowly, and said what I expected her to say;

''Calm down, we will find a way.

And Jay, what an idiot, but just calm down, its okay.''

She was extremely angry at Jay and wanted to stab him in the veins for being so bad to me, she told me to go home and get some rest as I needed it the most at that time.

I quickly got home and decided to lay down and give myself some rest, I layed down on the bed after changing my clothes to the casual home wear, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Into my own little dreamy world.

I woke up at 22:27, rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms, yawned loudly and then swiped open my phone to check the message I had received from Gabriella.

'Meet me tomorrow, I found something weird.'

I wondered to myself, what could it be?

End of chapter 8.

Gabriella is a blessing, I promise :)

Goodbye until Saturday,

Up until, enjoy the cold weather.

Its about to get even more cold ;)

Byeeeeee :*

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