Part 1

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Caitlin's POV:
I'm at Emily's house having a sleepover, we are watching our favourite film the hunger games and our ultimate favourite War Horse.
"10 minutes until our midnight feast!" Emily said, this is all she's been talking about since I got here,
"Yes I know" I said for the thousandth time. When suddenly my phone rang, my ringtone is Stereo kicks, my favourite group of all time, the song is Mack the knife which they performed for week 6 on the X factor.
"Hello" I said answering the phone, who could it be at this time.
"Hi" it was my friend Faye, she always calls me when she's bored.
"Hey Faye what's up?" I said
"Becca was sleeping at mine but then she felt ill so she had to go home, it's really quiet and boring now" I really didn't want to talk to faye right now, I was having so much fun with Emily.
"Awe that's a shame" I said sympathetically. When me and Faye finished our short phone call I sighed at emily telling her who it was and why they called me.
Emily's POV:
Caitlin's phone rang and it was her friend Faye, when Caitlin told me why Faye called her I just sighed, why would you call someone just to tell them that? Anyway when Caitlin ended the call I immediately asked her about her ringtone.
"Your ringtone?" I said, Caitlin knew what I was on about.
"What about it" she replied,
"It's stereo kicks." I said just staring at her smiling, she smiled back at me.
"Yea, I love them, they my favourite group ever" I loved it when she said this because I
love them too.
"That's great because I love them as well"
"Cool! Who's your favourite?" She asked.
"Charlie and Barclay, but mostly Charlie. He's my bae". I replied
"My favourites are Chris and James" she told me.
Caitlin's POV:
I'm so glad emily likes stereo kicks.
"My friend knows one of the members from stereo kicks" I told her
"really??!!" She said almost screaming
"Yeah, she knows Jake"
"OMG!!! You have to ask her if we can meet them!"
"Okay I will. I'll text her in the morning" I told emily, so we did we had our midnight feast and I sent her a text that morning at about 11am.
Me: hey emily xx
Emily: hey has your friend responded? Xx
Me: yea xx
Emily: so what did she say? Xx
Me: she said yes x we can go on Thursday x
Me: lol anyway I will see you Thursday x
I saw emily, we met outside my house with my friend Ami, she told us where we were going to go and said she couldn't come with us for long as she had plans already, Ami is older than us so she drove us there.
When we got there she knocked on a door and Jake opened it up and when he saw Ami he smiled.
"Hey ami, how are you?" He asked a huge smile on his face.
"Great thanks" she replied,
"I'm not staying long...I just brought my friends, they are HUGE fans" she emphasised on the word 'huge'.
"Hello" me and Emily said.
"Hey" Jake replied to us, inside me and Emily were screaming but we kept our cool.
" hey Jake come back to rehearsing we need to practice!" Someone called, we could tell it was the voice of Reece. Jake replied telling him that 'fans' were here, Reece came to the door followed by the others and waved. They let us in and Ami went.
"So what are your names?" Reece asked us,
"Caitlin" we said, they all smiled.
"Those are nice names" Charlie said. Emily went a shade of light red, then they asked if we wanted to hear the song they were performing for week 7, we obviously said yes. The song they sung was amazing, they had no faults at all.
"You are so good, you sounded great Charlie" Emily said still I light shade of red.
"Thanks"'Charlie replied.
"You guys are great!" I said
"Thanks" they all replied, they asked us if we wanted to go get some lunch with them, we said yes, they offered to pay and we were so happy.
At the table Emily had Charlie on her left and me on her right, I was next to her and James, he was sat next to Chris, Reece, Barclay, Casey, Jake and Tom who joined back round to Charlie.This was the happiest day of our lives!!


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