Part 5

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Charlie's POV:
So I'm meeting Emily in the park today and I don't want to tell anyone, I feel like they are going to pick on me for meeting someone who I don't exactly know.
I'm currently walking to the park to meet emily, I wonder if she has set off yet? I wonder if she remembered to come and meet me?
"Where are you going Charlie?" Tom asked,
"The park, I'm going to meet an old friend" I lied. He nodded turning to walk back to the others.
I walked out the door, closed it behind me and set off to the park.
Emily's POV:
I'm going to meet Charlie, I'm nearly at the park.
I just opened the gate and Charlie isn't here yet. I looked around and I saw a pair of swings, I went to go sit on them, I was waiting there about 10 minutes until he showed up, he came and joined me, sitting on the other swing.
"Hi" I said, my cheeks a light shade of red.
"Hey how are you?" Charlie asked, looking at me, looking intently into my eyes making my heart melt.
"Great"I said looking at Charlie as he slowly started swinging on his swing with his head low.
"That's good" he said. I smiled and joined him swinging on the swing, and few minutes went by and all we talked about was how well stereo kicks were doing in the X factor, then he suddenly asked if I wanted to get off the swing and go for a walk around the park, I nodded.
"I like this park, I always used to come here when I was younger" Charlie said as we walked side by side,
"That's cool" I said not really knowing what else to say, we were silent for a while, but every now and then I would see Charlie look at me from the corner of his eye, he looked like he was thinking, thinking of what? That's it! I just don't know what he is thinking of!
"So emily.." He said,
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Umm do you want to meet again one day? I know we aren't fully round the park but I just wanna know" he asked, looking me in the eyes again.
"Yeah, sure" I replied, we continued to walk side by side our heads both hanging low, neither of us knowing what to say. Then I suddenly felt a hand....a hand that was moving close to my hand.... I looked down trying not to make it obvious. I saw then that it was Charlie's hand, soon our hands were tightly together, I don't know how this happened but our hands were linked, they looked so inseparable, unbreakable even, I didn't want to part right now. But soon we had walked the whole park, it didn't even seem like 10 minutes , but we have to go. We were stood at the gate our hands still together neither of us wanting to part.
"Bye Charlie I guess I'll see you later??" I said looking at his cute face.
"Bye" he said still holding my hand, he slowly then pulled his hand from mine and kissed me on the cheek, whispering into my ear... "I really like you". I smiled and walked away, he did too.

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