Part 30

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Emily's POV:
"I hate that fucking bitch!" Caitlin said
"Same, sorry about it all though Jake" I said sympathetically.
"Nah it's fine, we had loads of arguments anyway. She didn't seem to be how I though"
"Still I'm sorry about it" I added.
"So what now?" Charlie asked curiously looking at everyone before giving me a cheeky glance.
"I don't know" I answered
"Nothing gonna stay here" Jake said
"Someone is gonna try not to punch someone" James said nudging Caitlin on the shoulder laughing a bit
"Well she pissed me off okay, and she kinda punched me in the face first" Caitlin said
"Okay" James said while everyone started laughing.
"Well I'm gonna go" Charlie said winking at me indicating me to go with him.
"Yeah I'll come too" I answered.
"I'm gonna go back to mine you coming with me?" James asked
"Umm yarp" Caitlin said smiling.
We all exited the house and walked separate ways, me and Charlie hand in hand.
When we got back to Charlie's house we opened the door and entered.
"No ones home?" Charlie said puzzled "oh well"
We closed the door and sat on the sofa on got some food and decided to watch a film. We picked three favourites then we finally decided on watching lion king 2, I love it. We sat all huddled up watching the movie.
We were halfway through the film and I felt Charlie's grip get tighter around my waist, I felt so secure and I loved it. I turned to look at him and he looked at me, so intensely looking into each other's eyes, we slowly leaned In pressing our lips together before breaking apart to suddenly going back again, but for much, much, longer. This is the most intense moment ever. He leaned closer and placing his arms around my back and leaning further forward causing me to drop backwards with my back against the sofa and my arms placed around Charlie's neck.
This intense moment carried on for what felt like forever but was actually about a minute (ish) until we heard the door open and suddenly "hi Charlie you home?" It was Charlie's mum we sprung up and tried to act as natural as possible before she entered the room.
"Oh hey mum" Charlie said embarrassed and cautiously.
"Oh hello emily I didn't know you where here"
"Yeah I've not been here that long really"
"Oh okay then" she said before walking off I tot he kitchen.
"Close one" Charlie said giggling
"You bet"

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