Part 24

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Emily's POV:
I woke up by the beep of my alarm clock, I stretched my arm out to turn it off I slowly got up and dragged my body up out of bed to get ready for my first day back at school after the six week holidays.
I got dressed and did my usual makeup and got ready to go.
I walked up to the school gates and walked through them, loads of people were stood around talking and I just walked past them into the building, I soon herd a voice I recognised.
"Hey emily!" It
Turned around to see Caitlin running to catch up with me, I waited for her.
"Hey" I replied
"Can't believe the holidays are over"
"Me too it's gonna be difficult now to see Charlie and James"
"Yeah but I'm gonna text in lesson"
"Ha ha okay"
After some talking we heard the bell ring and that's when we parted to go to lesson, I had maths first then art. I really like art but not maths, the seating plan for it is also the worst, I'm sat between the most annoying people ever.
Break soon came up and I met up with all my friends and I sent a text to Charlie who soon replied we had a conversation for the whole of break, at the end I went onto my next lesson then lunch and finally the final two lessons. It was then the end of the day and I was walking home listening to 5sos songs, it was quite peaceful, no one was around me. I turned to walk down through the small woodland when two hands were placed on my waist lifting me up off of the floor.
"What the f*ck?!" I turned around to see Charlie laughing, I pulled out my earphones and turned off my phone.
"Why did you do that?" I asked him my face still red from the shock.
"No reason"
"Well please don't" I told him harshly but also trying not to laugh. I carried on walking towards my house talking to Charlie along the way. We finally got up to the front door and I opened it stepping inside Charlie following, I locked the door as everyone was out and we were home alone. We went upstairs and sat on my bed Charlie kept glancing at me, looking like he was trying not to laugh.
"What?" I asked him
"Nothing, just your face when I scared you"
"Oh what?! Really still?" He laughed more now giving me that cheeky playful look.
After a while we were still home alone and I was laid down on my bed with my knees up touching, Charlie placed his hand on my knee I looked up to him turning my phone off and placing it on my side desk.
"What's up?" I asked, he looked at me oddly, he's never looked like this before. He said nothin just leaned in towards me slowly kissing me on the lips, I kissed him back placing my hand on his cheek. He came over to me with his hand at the side of me by my waist keeping him upright and his other arm doing the same but by my neck. This was the most indescribable moment ever, I've never felt like this before, the main emotion in my brain and body right now is.....LOVE.

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