Part 34

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Emily's POV:
I was at the barn looking after some of the lesson ponies getting them ready for the later lessons before it was time for lunch when I had to go back home. At that moment my phone buzzed so I unlocked it and I got a text from Charlie saying "hey wanna come to mine tonight? Xx" I replied straight away saying "sure I'll meet at yrs xxx" we agreed on a time when we would meet and it was sorted.
I finished getting the horses ready and I walked home and chilled for a bit until it was time to get ready to meet charlie. Soon it was later than expected as it was 5:40pm so I decided to get ready, I went up and got a shower then got dressed into my black ripped skinny jeans a black plain top and a grey hoodie jacket and a pair of black vans. I did my makeup and then got everything I was taking and set off walking to Charlie's house.
When I got there I walked up to the door and knocked a multiple of times until he "answered the door.
"Hey you look really nice" he said
"Thanks" I said blushing
"Come in don't stand out there" I walked in and took off my shoes.
"My parents have gone away for the night"
"Oh right" I said with a cheeky smile on my face that I kept to myself
"So yeah they don't know you're here"he said all I saw as I stood up was a cheeky cute smile spread across his face. We walked into the living room and put on a film, we sat there cuddling throughout as charlie decided which film to watch and he put on the film Annabelle it scares the shit out of me, it's worse than the trailer showed it to be which is pretty bad as I hated the trailer.
"Why have you put this on??!!" I said
"Coz it's scary and it's good"
"No it's really creepy, you know I won't sleep tonight now"
"Thats okay then the more time I get to talk to you" he said with a stupid but cute smile on his face.
We watched the film and at the end I was almost sat on charlie with my arms tightly wrapped around him with my head dug deep into his chest.
"It wasn't that bad" he said giggling at me
"Wasn't that bad! It scared the Fucking shit out of me!" Charlie just looked at me giggling.
We then decided to go to sleep and I stayed cuddled in his grip the whole night until the morning when we woke, at the end if the day I went back home and when I was getting ready for bed again m yo hone buzzed and Charlie sent me a snapchat of him shirtless saying "I need you so fucking bad princess" this made me feel like a fire was inside me and I sent him a snapchat back and we messaged for the most of the night.

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