Part 41

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Charlie's POV:
Oh my freaking god what the hell have I done? I think I've got Emily pregnant coz we were quite drunk last night everyone was, me and emily woke up with a slight hang over just like everyone else just not as bad. We decided together that it would be best if she went to get the pill.
Emily's POV:
I walked downstairs and walked up to Caitlin.
"I need to talk to you"
"What's up?" She asked.
"Well can I tell you without James and all them around" I whispered.
"Yeah sure" she said as we walked into the kitchen.
"Right tell me" she said.
"Well last night we all got pretty drunk, even me, Charlie and Reece"
"Yeah and?" She asked
"Well last night me and Charlie got quite drunk and...umm.."
"Oh my god are you saying what I think?"
"Oh my god emily!!" She said placing her hand to her face and almost laughing.
"Why are you laughing?"
"It's just you're only 14....14 Emily. And Charlie is only 15 you're just both so young"
"I know but.. Please just come with me to get something to you know"
"Ummm.. Yeah sure come on let's go now"
We got up and walked back into the living room then put our shoes on and walked towards the door.
"Where you going?" James asked.
"Me and Emily just need to erm go pick something up from her aunties house, we won't be long"
"Okay then" James answered as he stood up and they kissed eachtoher before she returned back to me, Charlie walked up to me hugging me tightly as he whispered.
"I'm sorry babe"
"It's fine honestly" I replied we pulled away from the hug and walked out of the door and me and Caitlin set off to the chemist.
We arrived there and eventually found something that would work.
"Could you do it please? , I mean this is way too awkward me going up."
"Emily you got yourself into this mess. Come on"
"Please. You know how awkward I am with this"
"So am I"
"Fine then only coz its you" she said sighing.
We paid for the tablets and set off back.

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