Part 19

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Emily's POV:
I woke up to the buzzing of my phone and when I unlocked it I had got a text from Caitlin, it read "hey wanna go on a ride with me and Patchy xx" I replied saying "sure xx", so I got up and got dressed into my navy blue jodhpurs and I put my navy blue riding jumper on that said 'I ❤️ Ben' on the front this was my fave riding jumper. I walked downstairs and got my breakfast.
I got up to Ben's stable I got his head collar and tied him up outside his stable door and started grooming him, he wasn't too mucky just a bit of shavings around his hooves and in his tail. I soon finished brushing him and as I turned around to pick his saddle up I got a text, I unlocked my phone and saw the name Charlie so I eagerly responded.
Charlie❤️-hey I was wondering if you wanna go bowling tomorrow night? Xx
Me-sure I'd love to, be prepared if I win though x 😂❤️
Charlie❤️-okay then lol xx
I locked my phone and went to pick up the saddle and as I did my phone buzzed again, I stopped and unlocked it again, it was from Caitlin this time.
Caitlin🐴-hey I'm just walking up on patch now, I've just put Blackie out in the field xx
Me- okay x
I locked my phone again and put it in my pocket then picked my saddle up and placed it on Ben's back, I adjusted it so that it was just behind his withers, and his girth was on the girth line. I tightened his girth up so it was tight enough. I then went to pick up his bridle, I put it on Ben's head and buckled up all the buckles I then walked to his side and as I turned around Caitlin was riding up her small skewbald coloured 12h pony mare Patch. I tightened Ben's girth and hopped onto his back.
"Hey just rode patch away from the bottom field there and Blackie was neighing for patch and then she was neighing for him and she wouldn't walk on so when I finally her turned around she saw Ben and she was okay and started walking then" Caitlin said laughing slightly at the end.
"Haha cool. I was thinking about going into the woods and along the canter track?" I asked Cailtin, she nodded her head and we set off walking down the country lane towards the woods. Patch is so much smaller than ben, I'm like a while two foot taller than Caitlin, and she is even a bit big on patch. But we rode on side by side towards the woods.
We got o the woods and we cantered along the long straight paths and we soon found a small patch that we always follow which let up to some small logs so we went up and jumped them. When we were finished and we were ring home we parted and untacked our horses and then put them out in the field for the rest of the day. We walked home as it wasn't that far and when I got home I checked my phone and saw a long list of instagram notifications and other random things about games. I cleared them and went downstairs for my tea and after that I chilled out in my room watching equestrian things.
I woke up the next morning at about 8am and when I got myself out of bed I went downstairs and got my breakfast, I sat on the sofa watching TV not being bothered what was happening around me, I don't know how long I was slumped there but when I next looked it was 11am and I suddenly thought 'WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?' Then I remembered about bowling with Charlie and I got up and went into the shower, when I was done I got my clothes out and put them on, I was wearing blue skinny jeans and a dark red fall out boy top. I decided to leave my hair as it was nicely brushed and slightly wavy. I got a text from Charlie at that moment saying 'hey you ready?xx' I replied saying 'Yep 😊 x ' and I got out of the house with nothing but some money in my pocket and my phone, and I walked on to meet Charlie. When I got there he was stood waiting for me, he looked perfect as he always does, wearing blue jeans and a black top with his hair in a usual quiff. "Hey Charlie" I spoke as he turned around to face me,
"Hey I called us a taxi to the bowling thing" he said as he checked his phone biting his lip he looked kind of nervous. "What's matter?" I asked him looking at him wondering why he was so nervous. "Nothing I'm fine" he said looking at me sort of puzzled. Soon the taxi pulled up and we both got in and we drove to the bowling place.
We got out of the car and walked up to the bowling place doors hand in hand I loved it when we held hands. We walked in and we walked up to the counter to swap our shoes and when we got them we walked down to the bowling alley and Charlie ran off to type our names into the computer machine. We picked up a bowling ball and began to play, a few rounds went past and I scored 3 strikes while Charlie scored just one. We went onto the next round and I knocked all pins except for one and I couldn't get my positioning right to try and knock it down. "Help charlie" I said turning to him as he got up off the seat I turned back looking at the last single pin standing there, I felt Charlie's chest on my back and his arms slowly moved down mine towards the bowling ball and holding it and together we threw it and scored a spare I smiled turning to look at Charlie's happy smiling face as he put his arms around my waist and I put my hands up grabbed his top collar and kissed him, at this moment I didn't care about anyone else around us, this was the perfect moment.

Together foreverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora