Part 49

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Charlie's POV:
*7 years later*
Driving in my car to the hospital, I'm not gonna be there for her if I'm any later, I'm so friggin worried right now. My baby girl is there by herself and I should be there too! A man pulled out in front of me jamming the whole road, no one could move because of him. His car window was open so I opened mine then shouted to the man saying "move your fucking car so I can get past!" He then stuck his middle finger up at me and said "alright mate chill" I got so infuriated by him that I shouted back "no mate I won't fucking chill I need to get to my girlfriend she's in hospital about to have our first kid! So no I won't chill!" I pulled my head back into the car and wound up the window. The man then moved back his car and the road was no longer jammed I drove along slowly getting quicker and more worried.
Emily's POV:
"Is Charlie here yet?" I asked the nurse
" I can go out and look for him if you like?" She asked
"Please" I replied as she exited the room and went looking for him, she arrived back 10 minutes later he's not here love" she said
"Omg Charlie where are you!" I asked myself
Charlie's POV:
I pulled into the hospital car park and ran into the hospital and when I got to the desk I told the woman I was here for Emily, she pointed me in the direction and I ran down the hallway until I eventually found the room. I stopped at the door for a quick second then took a deep breath and as I was about to walk in the nurse came out and said "Are you Charlie?"
"Yes" I replied
"Well congratulations" she said with a smile on her face, she walked past me and I went I tot he room and saw Emily there with our child, I was almost in tears.
"Omg Emily, I'm so so sorry I wasn't here earlier"
"It's okay, the nurses were helpful" she replied. I leaned in and kissed her then looked at out beautiful child.
"So.... Is the name we decided definite?" I asked her.
"Yeah... It sounds nice" she said smiling.
Lily Jones... Got a nice ring to it.

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