Part 44

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Emily's POV:
I went to the chemist to buy a test again this morning, I just felt like I needed to, so I braved it and went, the woman at the counter gave me a weird look I didn't really know what to say to her, I couldn't say 'it's mine' so I lied and told her "it's for my sister" she just nodded and I almost ran out the shop. When I got home I took the test and went back into my bedroom and took a deep breath before checking it, it said...
Charlie's POV:
I text Emily asking her if she was okay she replied back quickly.
Emily😘- hi I'm fine thanks just taken a test😁xx
Me- oh babe u ok?? Xx
Emily😘- yeah I'm just reading it now x
Me- and??? Xx
There wasn't a response for a while I think I guessed it was not what she wanted, I think she's pregnant, well no matter what Ill stick here by her side.
Me- Emily what does it say? Xx
Me-what? What is it babe???? Xxx
Emily😘- I'm not pregnant!! X
Me- omg babe that's great!xx
I'm really happy for her, she has been really brave through all this , I need to show her what she really means to me.😏
Emily's POV:
Omg I'm so happy right now! I'm not pregnant all this worry has been lifted off my shoulders, now I can go back to being myself and enjoying life again.
*Next day*
Emily's POV:
I got a text from Charlie earlier at about 4 o clock saying:
Charlie😍- hey gorgeous wanna hang out with me tonight? Xx😘
Me- ok x
Charlie😍- okay mine or yours?? X
Me- my parents are out tonight so mine? X
Charlie😍- okay I'll come over at 6 if that's okay with you princess😘💖xx
Me- sure babe xx
I'm not sure what's up with Charlie he just seems different for some reason.
there was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it and Charlie stood there at the door and he then walked into the house and took of his shoes, he had his rucksack on and he kept it on which is unusual coz he normally takes it off and puts it on the floor.
"Okay what you doing?"
"You don't normally keep your bag on?"
"Well I am today"
"You're hiding something, I know it"
"Oh my god I can never keep anything from you!" He said laughing and taking his bag off his back and in zipping it, I tried to peer into his bag to see what he was keeping so secretive.
"OI you stop looking in my bag"
"What you should trust me"
"Just come sit here and I'll show you"
"Okay" I said sitting down next to him crossing my legs and sitting like a child waiting to see what he had.
"Here you go" he said taking out a red box and passing it to me.
"Babe what's this?"
"Something you've wanted for a while, just open it"
" okay" I said suspiciously opening the red box to see a pair of white Nike airs.
"Oh my god Charlie! How did you know I wanted these!"
"I just did" he said winking at me. I leaned over and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back.

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