Part 45

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Emily's POV:
It's getting pretty late now and I'm really tired all this crap that's been happening to me lately has been working me up so much that I haven't been sleeping properly and now it's finally over I can sleep again. Charlie is staying and I'm glad in a way because I've not spent quality time with him it's always been me him, and the lads and Caitlin or me, him, Caitlin and James never just the two of us. So tonight's gonna be special.
"Babe I'm tired so I'm gonna out my pjs on hen I'm gonna go to bed you can stay down here if you like"
"No it's fine I'll get changed too"
"Okay then" I walked up to my room and Charlie followed me upstairs but went into the bathroom to change. I heard his footsteps soon go back down the stairs and after another minute or so I went back down. I walked into the living room to see the curtains drawn on, a single light so that it was dim and had a relaxing atmosphere. Charlie was stood there in his grey trackies and no shirt on.
"Emily I love you and I want to be with you forever" he said walking slowly towards me a couple of steps, his arms soon opened out and I was automatically drawn into a warm hug.
"I love you too Charlie, you mean everything to me, I would be nothing without you" I replied.
"Good, well you wait here coz I have a plan for us" he said running up the stairs and coming back down with my quilt and two pillows in his arms.
"Charlie what are you doing?" I questioned him.
"Me and you are spending some time together, we haven't in a while so I thought this would be a good idea" he replied setting the pillows and quilt up on the sofa.
"And what is this all exactly"
" a movie night" Charlie knows how much I love being with him, the last movie night we had was amazing I love it, so does he.
" I got the movie, it's your favourite" he said taking the film out of his bag, lion king, I know it's weird but this movie gives me so many good old memories and it's just my childhood all in one I watched it all the time.
"Oh Charlie" I said walking forwards and hugging him tightly my arms around his neck and his around my waist, I then pulled away from the hug and kissed him.
"You're so sweet, you do all this great stuff for me like this, I just don't deserve it"
"Stop talking nonsense and just watch the film with me" he said kissing my cheek. Then we went to go sit on the sofa but there were a pillow at each end, I moved my pillow to the same place as Charlie's.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Just sit down" I told him he sat down and then I sat next to him leaning and resting my head on his shoulder until he moved his arm out of the way and around me, keeping me locked in a tight warm grip.
We watched the film and soon I felt myself drift off into a quiet sleep, as did Charlie.

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