Part 51

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*a couple of days later*
Emily's POV:
These last couple of days have been really nice, me and Charlie have been spending time together with our beautiful baby girl Lily, she's so sweet, but not so sweet at night when she wakes me and Charlie up at 3 in the morning. Last night she woke me up at 1am I am just so tired.
I woke up at 12 o clock, Charlie had been looking after Lily so I could have a lie in, he's so sweet. I got up and walked downstairs to see Charlie sat on the sofa with Lily in his arms it was so adorable.
"Hey you" he said as he noticed me stood at the side of the door.
"Hey, how is she?" I asked
"Good, yeah, she's been asleep most of the time"
I sat next to Charlie, he had one arm around me and the other holding Lily.
*the next day*
Charlie's mum decided to look after Lily for us, she hadn't met her properly yet so she can have a good day with her today, this also gives me and Charlie some time together.
Charlie came home from dropping Lily off.
"I'm home Em" he called
"Ok" I called back as I came down the stairs and he kissed me on my cheek.
"What do you wanna do since Lily is at my Mums?" He asked
"I dunno just stay here I'm really tried"
"Sure babe, we can just watch some films"
"Sounds good, just me and you for once, feels like forever since we have been alone"
We looked through the films and eventually found one and watched it, then another, and another. It soon became 3pm. I felt Charlie's stare and saw him out the corner of my eye.
"What?" I asked
"Do you know what I've missed most about it not being just me and you?" He asked giving me that look, I knew that look too well.
"And what's that then?" I asked giving him the same look back.
Charlie stared at me then leaned over to me making me fall back onto the sofa, he hovered over me kissing me repeatedly then slowly moving his kisses down to my neck.
"So what was it you've missed?" I said smiling jokingly, Charlie just laughed slightly before standing up and I copied, he took his top off then put his hands on my waist and kissing me again, his hands slowly moved up my top pulling it over my head his hands then went back to my waist as my arms went around his neck. He slowly walked back making me walk back too, slowly I felt the wall against my backside I stopped, Charlie then smacked his lips against me again and he moved his hands down to my thighs pulling them towards him, I knew what he wanted me to do but he just couldn't take his lips off me so I jumped slightly and wrapped my legs around his waist he slammed me back against the wall, continuously kissing me and moving down to my neck then back up again. At that moment we decided to move up to the bedroom, you can probably guess why. About 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door, I heard the letter box open then I heard a voice I knew "Yo Em I know you're home!" It was Caitlin, we tried to ignore her .
"I know you're there! I'll kick this fucking door down if you ignore me bitch!" I knew she wasn't gonna leave so I called down telling her she could come in because the door was open I heard her walk in with another pair of footsteps James was obviously there too. Me and Charlie got up and looked around frantically for our tops but couldn't find them.
"Oh shit!" I said
"What?" Charlie asked
"They're downstairs!"
"Oh shit" then we heard Caitlin call up to us saying
"Emily!! You've been getting kinky there's yours and Charlie's tops down here! I would pass you em but who knows what's happened" then I heard both of them laugh,
"Oh shut the fuck up Caitlin"
Charlie ran downstairs snook into the room and pulled his top on then tossing me my top as I walked in behind him, my cheeks were red it was so awkward I just sat next to Charlie.
" kinky bitches" Caitlin said
"Shut up" Charlie said
"It's not like you and James don't do it" I said, I knew it annoyed her if I said that.
"Reyt bitch" she said in her Yorkshire accent
"Don't you be saying owt when you're the one gettin it on when your friends come round"
"Alright calm down bitch"
"I am calm you asshole!" For some reason this started to turn into a not so serious argument.
"OI! Chill out" James said
"Fine" Caitlin said before we both started laughing, we're so strange.

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