(Ouma X Saihara) Comforting You

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(I have to admit this is a bit rushed. Sadly coronavirus school break means online learning which is stupid because our school doesn't even have the resources to do that sort of thing and aghh it's just so stupid)

Saihara stood in the corner of the apartment he didn't know as people danced to obnoxiously loud pop music in front of him.

His roommate Kaito had told him about this great party going on near their house and despite Shuichi's crippling anxiety, inability to properly communicate what he wants to say and general discomfort being in large crowds of people...

Kaito dragged him there anywhere.

He wasn't even sure where Kaito was anymore. He was alone at a stranger's party, clearly uncomfortable with everything going and he felt as though if he left Kaito would judge him. It was obviously just a false perception of his and his overthinking nature to cause these thoughts to appear but it did nothing to help ease the situation. 

It didn't help the only two friends he had were Kaede, who he talked on Messenger with because she was in a different school and well Kaito. He'd occasionally talk to his girlfriend Maki too but she was even less of a talkative person than he was, but for other reasons.

He let out a shaky sigh. Loud music, tons of drunk people, booze. The whole combo to make him miserable. He watched drunk off their minds teenagers from a class above them, flirt with each in a garbled tone. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to leave and be at his apartment, drinking tea and watching movies on his laptop.

He reluctantly headed for the bedroom of the apartment. Everyone was in the living room so there shouldn't be anyone in there. Maybe that will ease his mind. However just as he was about to open the door he spotted a boy stumbling towards him, a redhead in a white jacket. He recognized him as a student two years above him always hitting on people. 

"Well aren't you a cutie~" He commented standing next to Saihara. "I-I...ummm..uh" Shuichi blushed, stammering not sure how to respond. He's never been hit on by anyone.

"Aww... no need to be shyyyyyyyyy! Somebody as hot as you doesn't have anything to be nervous about."  the boy slurred clearly drunk. 

"I-I I'm sorry but I really have to go" Shuichi slowly backed away but felt himself pulled by the waist closer to the drunk. 

"Awwww don't leaveee! The party is just beginning to heat up~" he spoke. "Y-Your hand's a little low..." Shuichi commented trying to pull away, however, the redhead's grip was firm. 

"I know...it's there on purpose~" the redhead chuckled. 

"P-Please stop" he said, his breath fastening. He pulled away and almost got away only to be pulled back. "Hey! Don't pull away, you bi-" the boy was about to speak but then...


"Huh?" Shuichi looked confused as the boy who had just harassed him laid on the floor, dazed. He then felt himself get pulled by the hand to the room he was heading for originally. What is it with people pulling him places he doesn't wanna be in? As soon as they were in the bedroom and the door was closed, he looked at the person who dragged him away.

He was a short boy with purple hair and a white straitjacket-like outfit along with a checkered scarf. He looked back at Shuichi, his purple, amethyst eyes glowing. Shuichi flinched, his breath still uneven from the encounter. There was a moment of silence for a moment before the boy fully turned to face him. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I-I..." Shuichi stuttered, his breath uneven and his hands trembling slightly.  "You looked uncomfortable and I've dealt with drunk bastards like Leon before so it felt only right." The boy said calmly. Shuichi nodded. "Y-Yeah...thank you." he said with a smile to which the purple-haired boy smiled back.

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