Chapter 48: What We Seek

Start from the beginning

Dusk seems to die on the spot. Probably poison. It seems like since you did more damage to him than Ivo, the poison took effect faster. You turn around and see Lapis Lawrence from Team GLDD, so you and Neo arm yourselves.

Lapis: "I'm sorry Dusk, Ivo. I couldn't risk you betraying us. I tried to make you die quicker, but I'm not used to Gilda's blowgun. Y/N Rose, how nice to see you again, but I'm afraid I can't stay. Toodle-oo!"

As quickly as she appeared, she vanishes. As you turn back to Dusk and Ivo's bodies, you hear a few explosions behind you.

Ddraig: "I can sense her getting further away. Are you going after her?"

Y/N: "*sigh* No, there'd be no point. Unlike Dusk, I have a feeling she wouldn't give up her secrets. Besides, we have what we need. Anybody hurt?" you yell out to the camp.

The guard from before finds you.

Guard: "Sir, everyone's accounted for. There are some minor injuries, but nobody was killed."

Y/N: "She probably did that as a distraction then. Good grief... What did Dusk mean by Loke's family?"

Neo: 'He probably said that to try and get sympathy.'

Y.N: "You're probably right. Jeez, what a mess."

Raven: "Y/N. What happened here!? Are you alright?"

You and Neo look behind you and see Raven with her mask off, but at her side.

Y/N: "Raven, I... I mean yes. We're both alright. Thanks for your concern."

Raven: "Good... did you get what we need?"

Y/N: "Yes. Salem and White Fang plan to attack Haven Academy the full moon before the semester starts. That's a little more than two weeks from now. They want to take something from there."

Raven: "My guess is the Relic there. And to do that, they'll need the Spring Maiden, meaning... Anyway, job well done, Y/N. Get some rest here tonight and then return to the main camp. I'll fulfill my promise to you once you get back."

Y/N: "Why don't you do it now?" you ask confused.

Raven: "Because, there's something that needs to be done tomorrow. I'll open a portal to camp at around one and all of the preparations will be made. Walk through it afterwards."

Y/N: "Alright, I gue-"

You fall backwards into Neo's arms.

Neo's POV

Raven: "Tired, isn't he?"

Neo simply nods with a smile on her face. She then types something out with a frown.

Neo: 'The entire time he was torturing them, he had a pained look on his face. He was probably holding back the feeling of joy he was getting as he did it from the wear on his mind. This was a bad assignment for him and you know it.' she says scowling.

Raven: "I know, but I wanted to test his limits. I wanted him to get used to the feeling so he could fight it better. But unfortunately, I believe I've made things worse. Look at him."

She was right. On Y/N's chest, there was a small filled black circle, opposite from his heart.

Raven: "I'll have the men take care of these two." she points to Dusk and Ivo. "Make sure he gets plenty of rest."

Neo: 'Already planned on it." She makes an annoyed face.

Neo (thoughts): 'Isn't that obvious, harpy?'

Raven: "Go use the tent across the way. I'm going to inform the men."

She exits the tent, leaving Neo and an unconscious Y/N alone.

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