Chapter 18: The First Round

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Your dorm

It was the day before the tournament's start.  You had been training nonstop since you got your balance breaker.  You were lying in bed with all of your girlfriends, all ten of them. Yes, the night after you got back to your dorm defeating the Beringal Alpha, Coco and Velvet joined you in bed. You had to request from Ozpin a bigger bed since your old one was starting to get really cramped.

Ddraig (in your mind): 'Something on your mind partner?'

Y/N (in your mind): 'A lot of things actually. Between the tournament, the girls, the scheming, and getting stronger, I've just been worried of what will go wrong.'

Ddraig: 'I get what you're saying, but remember. You are the Red Dragon Emperor. You can handle it.'

Svartur (in your mind): 'He's right kid. You have my power as well. I've been thinking. You're the Red Dragon Emperor, but with me, what are you? The Black Dragon Emperor?'

Y/N: 'Sounds good almost. How about... the Black Dragon Grimm King?'

Svartur: 'I like it! So, what are you planning to do in the tournament tomorrow?'

Y/N: 'Is that obvious? I'm going to win.'


Ozpin has called you to his office, but you're not sure why. You knock on his door.

Ozpin: "Come on in Y/N."

You enter the room and close the door behind you.

Y/N: "You wanted to see me Professor?"

Ozpin: "Yes, please take a seat. Now, you're aware that four-person teams fight in the tournament, don't you?"

Y/N: "Yes sir, in the first round, teams of four fight. The winners select two people to continue for the doubles round and from there, a single person is chosen for the one on one battles. But what does this have to do with me? I can't enter."

Ozpin: "You remember your Red King piece, do you not?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I carry it with me." You say as you take out the piece.

Ozpin: "Not only does that piece allow you to command multiple teams, but since you have a King piece, you are being given special permission to fight in the tournament on your own. You won't have either of your teams, but I don't imagine that will be much of a problem for you."

Y/N: "I can enter? And I'd be fighting a team of four in the first round?"

Ozpin: "That's correct. Now I suppose the question is do you want to?"

Y/N: "Ddraig, Svartur, what do you you two think?"

Svartur: "Lets do it. It will give you a chance to test your abilities and restraint."

Ddraig: "I agree. It will be an excellent test to see my Balance Breaker against multiple skilled opponents."

Y/N: "You heard Professor Ozpin. Sign me up."

Ozpin: "I expected nothing less from you. Try not to use the Boosted Gear though. Only use it if you absolutely must. We do not know who will be watching."

Y/N: "Yes, of course. Professor? While I'm here, there's something I'd like to ask you about." You pull out your blue gem. "I'm looking for more gems like these. Do you know where any might be?"

Ozpin: "What is that and where did you get it?"

Y/N: "Ddraig tells me it's a piece of another Sacred Gear like him. I found it in a cave in the Emerald Forest the day of initiation.

With Every Step Forward (Neglected/Abused Boosted Gear Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now