Y/N Bio

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Name: Y/N Rose

Looks Likes:

(Ignore Ruby's scythe)

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(Ignore Ruby's scythe)

Age: 15

Former Personality: Happy-go-lucky, warm, loving

Current Personality: Standoffish (at first), afraid of people (at first), caring towards his friends and family (besides Tai), protective of those he cares about.

Likes: Meat, candy, his sisters, his girlfriends (this is a harem, yes), his mother, his friends, Ozpin, Qrow, Ddraig

Dislikes: Raven (mostly because she was never around for Yang), Tai, Grimm, feeling helpless, feeling weak.

History: Y/N is the older twin brother of Ruby Rose. Every time Summer would go on a mission, Tai would always abuse him and force Yang and Ruby to abuse him too. He didn't know why and neither did they. He had overheard Summer, Tai, and Qrow talking about Raven one night and found out that Summer wasn't Yang's mom, but that Raven was.  Y/N at the age of seven runs away, tired of Tai's abuse and finds a new family.


—Boosted Gear:

Ability:  Doubles the user's power every 10 seconds

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Ability: Doubles the user's power every 10 seconds. Warning: without proper training, the gauntlet will drain the user's stamina unexpectedly.


Ddraig is the dragon of domination

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Ddraig is the dragon of domination.  The Gods of Remnant sealed him after threatening the world with his power.  He is the dragon whose soul is within the Boosted Gear.

—Black Dragon Blade:

Ability:  ??? (Will be revealed in a later part)

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Ability:  ??? (Will be revealed in a later part)

—Semblance:  Unknown (Will be revealed in a later part)

—Silver Eyes
Like your twin sister Ruby, you have Silver Eyes, inherited from your mother Summer.  As of right now, you don't have very much control over them.

(Author's Note)
Well, I think that gets our bio out of the way.  This is my first story so I hope you go easy on me, give me tips on how I can improve my writing, and any ideas for story.  In this story, Summer isn't dead, but is usually on a mission.  Thank you and I hope you enjoy!

With Every Step Forward (Neglected/Abused Boosted Gear Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now