Chapter 30: Aftermath

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Your ears are ringing and you see white. You can only hear a couple of voices and nothing else.

Qrow: "Summer, grab him! I got her!"

Summer: "Y/N, you're gonna be okay."

A Few Days Later
Ruby's POV

Ruby wakes up in a bed. She isn't familiar with where she is, but she sees her mom asleep, sitting in a chair next to her. She sits up and Summer wakes up.

Summer: "Ruby! You're awake!"

Ruby: "What happened?"

Summer: "Your Uncle Qrow and I found you unconscious. We got you out of there though. We brought you home safe."

Ruby: "Wait! Yang! Is she alright?"

Summer: "She's gonna be okay. It'll take some time for her to get used to things though." Ruby looks down. "Don't worry honey, she's too strong to let this stop her. I'm just glad to have my kids back."

Ruby: "What happened to the school? And Vale? Were they able to clear out the Grimm?"

Summer: "Things in Vale are under control. The school is another matter though. That thing, whatever it is, isn't dead, but frozen. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it. But it's not disappearing and it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school."

Ruby: "I did what? You said I did a number on it and it's frozen. How?"

Summer: "That's not important right now and we can talk about it later, things are just kind of a mess."

Qrow: "It's always a mess."

Qrow pulls up a chair.

Qrow: "How you feeling kiddo?"

Ruby: "Well... I kind of hurt all over."

Summer: "Doing that will do that to you."

Ruby: "You guys keep saying that, that I did something!"

Qrow rests his hands on knees to get closer.

Qrow: "What's the last thing you remember?"

Ruby: "I ran up the side of the tower. I saw what looked like a large red dragon. It kinda disappeared and there was... wait! Where's Y/N!?"

Summer: "Shh, it's alright. He's still asleep in the other room. Whatever he did took a lot out of him."

Ruby: "I saw Y/N about to be eaten by that thing and then... everything turned white."

Summer: "Anything else?"

Ruby: "I remember... my head hurting."

Qrow: "The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?"

Summer looks down.

Ruby: "I don't know... I think it was something about-"

Qrow: "Silver eyes. It's an extremely rare trait."

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