Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)

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It's the night before you leave for Vale. You've still got to buy some supplies for the trip. Not only do you need supplies for yourself, but you also need some for Oscar since you're taking him along. It'll take maybe three days to get there from where you are. The others are going to leave in three days for Argus as that's when the next train is scheduled to depart. Taking a train is much easier than walking and there are no airships available to take them there. It might be tough, but then again, you're faced with a tough choice.

Inside the Boosted Gear

When you're inside your Boosted Gear, you feel at peace. With the balance between light and dark that you've found within yourself, it's very calming. However, when you reach the inside, you don't see either of your dragons.

Y/N: "Hello? Anybody here?"

It takes a moment, but your two dragons appear before you. Svartur punches Ddraig for some reason?

Y/N: "What was that about?"

Ddraig: "Don't mind her. She's just mad cause I beat her in Minesweeper."

Svartur: "I am not. I'm mad because you cheated."

Ddraig: "Explain how you cheat in Minesweeper."

Svartur: "You-"

Y/N: "Wait, you guys play Minesweeper whenever I'm not around?" A further realization comes to mind. "Wait, I have MINESWEEPER IN HERE!?"

Svartur: "You should really get some new games, ones Ddraig doesn't cheat at!"

Ddraig: "That's beside the point. Something the matter, partner?"

Y/N: "Yeah... Svartur, I need to ask you something."

Her body contorts slightly as she becomes more comfortable.

Svartur: "Go on."

Y/N: "I'm thinking about leaving your sword with the others. That way, we can keep in touch. Is that possible?"

Svartur: "Since I am bonded with you, it's possible. My soul is still bound to your body even if we're physically separated. However, communication is a different matter."

Ddraig: "Our connection to her will be significantly weaker, but we should still be able to get a very general idea of what's going on with her based on emotions."

Y/N: "Good, good..."

Svartur: "However, as I am bonded with you and only you, you are the only person who can actually wield me. Remember when Ruby tried using me during the Fall of Beacon and she burned her hands despite still having her Aura?"

Y/N: "Not exactly considering I was kinda dead at the point, but if you're asking if I remember hearing about it, then yeah."

Svartur: "The same thing would happen if-"

Y/N: "What?"

Ddraig: "You should go back."


You're basically forced out of the Boosted Gear by your dragons, but why? Apparently, they sensed that someone was on top of you and currently has their legs wrapped around your sitting body. With this feeling, you instinctively hug whoever is doing it and feel someone's bare skin. When your eyes open, you see Ruby in front of you, her eyes closed as she goes to kiss you.

With Every Step Forward (Neglected/Abused Boosted Gear Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now