Chapter 12: The Dance

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Y/N:  "So, how can we get Blake to go to the dance?  Oh and Weiss, as for the tablecloth, I'd go with the one on the left.  Matches the rest of the decor better."

Weiss:  "Thank you Y/N.  At least one of us" looks at Ruby "knows color scheme."

Ruby:  "Y/N's right.  How can we get her to come?"

Yang:  "Don't worry little ones.  I've got an idea."

Y/N:  "Yang, I'm like 4 inches taller than you."

Yang:  "S-shut up."

Y/N:  "Also, I'm going with you when you talk to Blake."

3rd Person POV
Blake is currently studying in the library, going over her notes on the investigation.  She suddenly see a red dot on her monitor.  The dot moves from the monitor and goes to her hand before disappearing.  She disregards it and goes back to studying.  The dot appears again and goes away from her.  She follows it and when she comes around a corner...

Y/N:  "You're coming with us."

Jaune's POV

Jaune's currently looking for relationship advice, so he turns to Rem.  Now, when I say turns to, I mean he ambushes him after his shower and takes him to the Team JNPR Dorm.

Jaune:  "You know Ren, I may not have know you for long, and I don't really know that much about you.  And you're really quiet.  But damn it!  You're like a brother to me!"

Ren:  "And I you.  What is this about Jaune?"

Jaune:  "I need advice on... girls."

Ren:  "Why would you ask me?  I don't really have much experience."

Nora:  "Yeah Jaune, if you want girl advice, ask a girl or your brother."

Jaune:  "I can't.  I can't find a girl to ask and   Y/N told me that I'd find one, but I don't know where to look!  It's like there aren't enough girls in the universe because they're either enemies or go after Y/N.  It's almost like someone purposefully set it up so he gets all the girls."

Pyrrha:  "I wouldn't say that.  I'd just say that your brother has a certain quality that pulls people towards him."

Jaune:  "Maybe you're right.  And who knows?  Maybe I'll find someone during the festival?"


You and Yang took Blake to an empty classroom.

Yang:  "We want you to slow down."

Blake:  "That's not a luxury we have at the moment!"

Yang:  "Sit down."  Blake sits down.  "Ruby, Y/N, and I all grew up in Patch, an island off the coast of Vale.  Our taught at Signal and out mom took on missions from around the kingdom.  Her name is Summer Rose.  About six months ago, she disappeared and nobody knows where she went."

Y/N:  "She's really super-mom.  Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters, or so I remember."

Yang:  "She was really torn up about you leaving Y/N."

Y/N:  "I know and I plan to apologize to her as soon as I see her again.  But back to the matter at hand."

Yang:  "Yeah.  The thing is, Summer isn't Tai's first wife.  She's his second.  His first was my mom.  She left right after I was born.  And nobody's seen her since."  Y/N stays quiet at the mention of Tai.  "I kept wondering why she'd leave me with him.  One day, I thought I found a clue, a place where she had been seen.  So I put Y/N and Ruby in a wagon and left home when Dad wasn't there.  I must've walked for hours before we finally got there.  However, when we did, there were Grimm.  There we were:  two toddlers asleep in the back of a wagon and a girl too exhausted to cry for help."

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