Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation

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Yang's POV

Stirring from her sleep, Yang wakes up to find that her boyfriend isn't by her side. Surprising, given that not only was he completely conked out after last night's battle, but that all his girlfriends had basically dogpiled onto him. In his condition, he shouldn't have been able to get up, much less get up so quietly that nobody heard him.

She sits up and looks around, early morning light streaming in from outside. The other girls are still asleep. Even Raven- Wait, what the-?


What's HER MOM doing in Y/N'S bed!? WHY is she here!? This doesn't make ANY sense! After the battle was over, she said that she was actually on their side, but to think that she would sleep in HIS bed!?

Some of the rest of the girls, including Raven, wake up from Yang's jarring screaming. Blake, Ruby, and Nora are still mostly asleep, with Summer, Raven, and Weiss slowly waking up.

Summer: "*yawn* Yang? What are you talking about? I've been here all night... Go back to sleep..."

She throws a pillow towards her face in protest, but Yang easily dodges it, the aim being off.

Yang: "No, no, no, I wasn't talking about you! I was talking about her!"

She points to her mother, Raven, who, like Summer, still seems sleepy.

Raven: "Yang, at least let me have some coffee... Last night was-"

Yang: "I know what last night was crazy, but still!"

Weiss, the last of them to awake, sits up and rubs her pale blue eyes, looking at the half-naked Raven. Her eyes widen when she realizes what's going on.

Weiss: "Y-Y-You!? Why are you here!?"

Yang: "That's what I want to know!"

This is getting nowhere fast. Raven's not being cooperative. Y/N's not here to explain, that is, if he knows anything about this. Qrow's probably still in bed, so he can't explain. Summer's ALSO not being cooperative.

From outside, hurried footsteps seem to be approaching the door, followed by said door slamming open.


Y/N: "What happened!?"

After hearing Yang's outburst, you quickly cleaned up a little and got dressed again, leaving Neo to clean herself up. You felt bad about leaving her to clean up your fuck juices, but this is a situation that needs resolved and quickly. As far as you're aware, Yang still thinks her mom abandoned her. She's tempered her temper recently, but that only means that when she gets angry, she gets angry.

Yang: "Y/N! First off, why are you up!? You're still hurt!"

A sensible question, one that causes her to pull you down back onto the futon, your arms sprawled out.

Y/N: "I uh... I had to go to the restroom and I didn't want to wake you up?"

A sensible lie.

Yang: "Alright, second question. What is she doing here!?" she asks as she points to Raven.

Summer: "Yang, don't you remember? She came back with us last night. She's on our side." she sleepily clarifies.

So did Raven explain herself? Or...

Yang: "That's not the issue here. The issue is what is she doing here, in this room!?"

Raven: "I was-"

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