Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)

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Weiss's POV

Being the awesome girlfriend she is, Weiss wanted to surprise Y/N. Time away from the others is somewhat of a rarity, but with what she's planning, Weiss might just get that alone time with him she desperately wants.

To execute this plan, Weiss is in downtown Mistral, in a rather shady part. Summer mentioned knowing of a shop where the item she's looking for being sold around here, or at least, it was the last time she was here.

Weiss: "It should be around here somewhere..."

As she's looking at the local map on her scroll, she doesn't notice some lowlifes slowly surrounding her. When she looks up, she sees a gang of at least eight people, six men and two women, surround her. They honestly remind her of Jaune's little girlfriend, Vernal, except somehow, even worse. The biggest man in the group, presumably the leader, steps forward.

Leader: "Hey girlie. You don't belong down here. This is our turf."

Not one to be outdone, Weiss objects, but also having grown a little since her prideful days at Beacon, she keeps herself in check.

Weiss: "I'm just lost. If you let me leave, I'll get out of-"

Leader: "I don't think you heard me. This is our turf. Either you pay up, or..."

He gains a perverted smile, looking her up and down. The woman next to him elbows him slightly, but he doesn't seem to mind.

Thug Woman: "Come on now, you really think she would satisfy you?"

Leader: "I don't know. She's pretty enough. Better looking than you, anyway." He turns back to Weiss. "How about this? Do exactly as we say and you'll get what you want."

Feeling this helpless, not being listened to, and being told what to do like this... She must escape. Seeing a break in their formation, Weiss uses two of her Glyphs to break the closest thugs apart and run away from them. If that asshole leader gets his way...


It's only her bad luck that she doesn't have her rapier with her, meaning that she can't exactly fight back. Without the use of Dust, she only has her basic Glyphs to work with. Hopefully that's enough to get away. She looks back and they're gaining on her.

Weiss: "You better come!"

She hits a button on her scroll and sends her location to Y/N, the only thing she has time to do.


Y/N: "Huh?" you check your scroll.

Yang: "What's the matter? You mad cause-"

Y/N: "It's something from Weiss, but..."

It's only a location. She's moving fast, like she's running.

Y/N: "I have a bad feeling about this."

You suddenly stand, alerting Yang and Ruby, who are sitting next to you, playing video games.

Y/N: "I'll be back later."

Weiss's POV

She's cornered. These goons have her trapped in an alleyway, surrounded on all sides by buildings. The leader takes out a knife while a few of his followers grab some rope.

Leader: "You're pretty fast, little girl. But that ends now. You're going to do what we say, or else."

Weiss: "You just wait until my boyfriend gets here!"

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