Chapter 35: Looking Forward

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Farm Boy's POV

The simple farmhand.  He goes through his days, doing his chores.  One day, as he is doing them, he notices that there's something... off about himself.  He looks in the mirror, looking closely at his own face.

Farm Boy:  "...Hello?" he asks his reflection.

When he gets no response, he hangs his head in relief.  When he does though...

???:  Hello!  I'm Professor Ozpi-"

Farm Boy:  "Ah!"

He's startled by the voice and falls backwards on his butt.  He hears his aunt's voice in the distance.

Aunt:  "Oscar!  You better be careful with those tools!"

Yang's POV, Yang's Dream

Yang sees herself standing in a dimly lit building, screams all around her.  She looks down and see both of her hands, then looks up to see Adam Taurus walking towards her.  Alarmed, she get into a battle stance, but sees her gauntlets on her arms.  She opens fire, but none of her shells seem to hit him. 

When it looks like she cant fire anymore, her gauntlets and her right arm disappears.  He gets right in front on her, draws his sword, and-


Yang gasps as she wakes up from her nightmare.  She looks over to her nightstand to see the new arm.  She puts on a jacket and goes downstairs, where she hears laughing.

Professor Port:  "And- and- and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt!  I was just a T.A. I...I didn't know what to do, so I just left the room to laugh!"

She sees Summer, Dr. Oobleck, Professor Port, and Glynda all in the kitchen telling stories.

Summer:  "Yeah, we told him it was a kilt!  He'd never worn a uniform before so he didn't know!  Ha!"

Dr. Oobleck:  "That's just terrible!  What's wrong with you!"

Summer:  "Hey!  The girls all said he had nice legs!  I did that jerk a favor!"  They all laugh again.  "Besides, that's not even the best part!  See, then we-"

She's interrupted by Professor Port putting his leg on the table.

Professor Port:  "Like what you see?"

Glynda:  "Oh please, no one wants to see those things!"

They all start laughing, until Professor Port loses his balance and falls to the ground.  Then everyone, including Yang now, starts laughing harder.

Professor Port:  "Oh, um, Miss Xiao Long!  Please, join us."

Dr. Oobleck:  "Yes, yes pull up a chair.  Please, pull up a chair."

Yang:  "I'm good."  She sits on the counter next to Summer. 

Glynda:  "It's good to see you Miss Xiao Long."Yang:  "It's good to see you too.  So what are you three doing here?"

Dr. Oobleck:  "Despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside the classroom."

Summer:  "Yeah, if you're lucky."

Glynda:  "I've been working around the clock to fix the school, but it's been a challenge."

Professor Port:  "But Mistral wasn't built in a day, and we all need a break from time to time."

Glynda:  "I wanted to visit to take a break, but then these two came along."

Summer:  "Let's stop worrying about that right now, about who dragged who along."

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