Chapter 19: Gathering Info

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3rd Person POV

As the fight between Team JNPR and Team BRNZ begins, three of BRNZ's members charge towards JNPR while the fourth goes into the forest with her sniper rifle.

Jaune: "Come on guys!"

The leader, Brawnz, lunges at Pyrrha with his claws. She counters by catching his hand with her spear and headbutts him.

As Nolan Porfirio, armed with a cattleprod, attacks Ren and Nora, Jaune finds himself being attacked by Roy Stallion, who has arm mounted circular saws. He see the sniper, May, in the distance. He sees them being overwhelmed with sniper fire and the rest of the team's attacks.

Jaune: "Retreat!"

When he yells this, Jaune and Pyrrha provide cover from the fire with their shields and get behind some rocks.

Pyrrha: "What do we do?"

He sees the three members rushing them.

Jaune: "Spread out! Try to keep moving."

Y/N looks down at Jaune.

Y/N: "Pretty good Jaune, give that sniper a hard time. Nice."

BRNZ (minus May) rush them and take on a member of JNPR each. Ren's his in the side of the head by Nolan, but uses his acrobatics to his advantage. Nolan gets in a shot and shocks Ren with his cattleprod. Nora notices and goes over to him.

Nora: "Ren!"

She starts swinging her large hammer in an attempt to hit him, but he has the advantage with his smaller weapon. He starts to shock her, but she smiles at him.

Professor Port (on screen): "Looks like one my favorite students, Nora Valkyrie is charging up to use her semblance!"

Nolan: "Huh?"

Dr. Oobleck: "Yes, Miss Valkyrie's semblance lets her produce, as well as channel, electrical energy straight to her muscles. This allows her to jump explosively into the air, wield her mighty hammer, or in this case, absorb Nolan's attacks and send the young man flying."

Nolan: "What!?"

He stops shocking her and she smiles as she channels the electricity.

Nora: "In the words of my boyfriend..."

Nora/Y/N: "Ya done goofed."

She charges at him and releases a large amount of energy, sending him flying towards the forest. Jaune notices a thunderstorm.

Jaune: "Nora! Get to the mountain! Ren try and distract the sniper!"

Nora: "You got it!"

Ren: "Sure. Why not." he says sarcastically.

He turns to Pyrrha and then go into battle as Nora jumps up the mountain and Ren starts running.

Roy shoots his saws at Jaune who blocks them with his shield, but is stunned for a few seconds. He then charges at Pyrrha and does some melee attacks, which are all blocked. Jaune recovers and goes to assist.

Team RWBY and Y/N are impressed with Jaune's defense.

Ruby: "Yeah. Go get em Jaune!"

Weiss: "Well he's certainly improved."

Y/N: "Of course. I've been personally training him after our team training."

Blake: "So that's where you go."

Yang: "He may be good, but he ain't got nothing on you or Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha's fighting both Brawnz and Roy while Ren's running towards May, who's protected by Nolan. Ren and Nolan block each other's strikes, with Ren catching the cattleprod with the blades attached to his guns. He kicks him a couple times and turns him around, bringing the cattleprod to Nolan's neck and using the blades to hold it in place. May sees this, gives up on shooting him, and turns her attention to Nora.

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