"That's really cool," she told him truthfully and it was but it lacked the enthusiasm she normally harbored for such tales. He sighed, kissing her temple and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Holding onto the hand that rested on her shoulder, she apologized.

"It's okay," he lied although it wasn't. They both knew it wasn't. The life seemed to be suck out of her and her eyes didn't glimmer with life like they once did. He felt guilty for it. He was the one who pushed her to Boston. He told her that it'd be okay. She didn't even want to go. So he was being patient.

"No, it's not," she sighed. Her sleep was being robbed by nightmares and she rubbed at the bags under her eyes. At this point, she'd wish somebody would just sedate her. "But thanks for trying." They continued for a few more paces before his pager blared.

"Damn, I'll see you later, okay?" He kissed her forehead and she nodded. "I love you," Brushing a short curl behind her ear, he just took in her face as she attempted a smile.

"I know." A conflicted look passed his face and her hand rose to press against her abdomen. He didn't see it as he rushed away, disappearing around the corner they came. I can't tell him, she thought with fear, it'd break him. He's trying so hard for me.

"Emily," a voice called for her and she looked to the source. She recognized the straight flaxen hair and brown eyes before approaching the blonde. "Hey." There was a box in Ella's arms. A guitar's strings stuck out.

"Hi, Ella," she replied awkwardly and gestured to the waiting room where they could talk. "Do you want to, uh, sit down?"

"Uhm, no. I'm just here to - to drop this off." The widow's voice was thick with tears as she gazed down at the contents. "There's stuff for you but I couldn't - I'm sorry. Here, just take it." The woman was trying hard to be civil. Staring at her former friend wasn't easy.

"It's been hard," she said, taking the box and setting it by her feet. "I've been to therapy, actually. It helps," she offered as an olive branch and Ella stepped back, nodding. She wiped at her tears and looked at the woman. She appeared the same except her hair was shorter. But her eyes were void of any life. Ella took in a quivering breath.

"I know. I - your brother hired one for me. He's been very kind. It's been difficult for all of us, I think."

"Yeah." Emily looked down at the box, recognizing some of Tom's stuff in there. The guitar was his, goddamn it. "So this is his stuff?"

"We went through it a few days back - the family and me. It was hard. There were a bunch of letters, a whole lot of memories-" Ella broke off to stop her voice from cracking. "But there was something for you. I know you'd want to read it."

"Thank you," she whispered, picking up the box again.

"It helped me. It gave me some closure, I guess. I - I still love him, but he's gone. I'm at peace with that. And I'm trying to forgive you too."

"Thanks," she muttered and Ella sent her a curious glance.

"Did you tell Mark about the baby?" she inquired. Emily's panicked face silenced her and the brunette flushed.

"I didn't tell anyone. Not even my therapist."

"You should." The blonde's hand reached out before the blonde realized what she was doing and it dropped back to her side.

"You think I don't know that?" Emily snapped and Ella nodded with a flinch. Realizing what she did and having horrible flashbacks to their last conversation, she sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose, "I'm sorry. It's just... I'm not ready to talk about the building collapse yet."

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