"Dr. Torres, can we move the arthroplasty up an hour? Mark needs Kate for his surgery." The Latina snapped out of her daze to gaze at the resident where they stood before the O.R. board.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Hey, Mark told me you're bi." Blinking, she turned her head slowly towards the orthopedic surgeon. The statement was so blunt it caught her off guard completely.

"I - uh, excuse me?"

"Do you like girls and guys?"


"Okay, I need your help." Emily didn't like where that was going.

"How's Cristina?"

"In the morgue," Alex replied as he inserted money into the vending machine. "The Burke thing's got her messed up."

"I mean, can you blame her?" she asked quietly as the nurses pointedly ignored her boyfriend. It wasn't her problem especially since she had to convince nurses to work with him and was kinda sick and tired of them all complaining to her as if she had any control over what he did before when they were just friends. He walked after Rose and disappeared from her sight, past their hallway as Alex reached down and grabbed the bag of chips. "Are they still boycotting his surgeries?"

"Yeah. He's been trying to get people to talk to them for him. Maybe you should, all the nurses love you. Especially the Sapphics." Whipping around, she shoved him casually.

"No, because I did that before we were together and I'm sick of it," she remarked and Alex knuckled her head affectionately. "Is Ava staying with you at Mer's?"

"How'd you-"

"Izzie. Heard she was knocked up too. Great job. So?"

"Yeah, until I get enough for a security deposit. Whatever,"

"Yeah, whatever. You're just becoming a dad." Her smile grew at his red cheeks and she jabbed her elbow into his ribs. "I'm kind of proud 'cause you're taking responsibility."


"He forgot he had sex with me?"

"Am I allowed to sit here?" Emily asked as Alex left. "Great, he leaves without me. I even got him a box of apple juice. I - what's this?" She directed it to George who held out a blue and white form. "Sexual relations?"

"For the Chief."

"Uh...." she trailed off.

"Pen?" The brunet offered her a writing utensil and she looked up, shocked. "Come on, Em. Have you even slept with Sloan, yet?"


"Then, what's the problem?"

Again, Lexie repeated her statement causing people to look at her. "Lex, you alright?"

"Alex Karev forgot he slept with me."

"That's low, even for him." Emily agreed, offering the apple juice. "Will this make you feel better?" The younger Grey took it, opening the package with the plastic straw. "There, sip it, drink it in. Better?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"I need your-" George coughed awkwardly- "form." Smiling and shaking her head, she clicked the pen.

"Oh, shut up George," she grumbled, signing it quickly. "Have your stupid, stupid form."

"Okay, hold on to that tendon... good. Now, I can repair the rotator cuff easier." Callie said casually and Emily felt uncomfortable as she looked into the pair of magnifying lenses.

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