Ryan Seaman x Reader - Mutual

Start from the beginning

Once he had finished his drink, most of the people had already left, and only a few still hung around the merch table, so he took the opportunity, and took a look at the different shirt designs. Once he had decided on one, he stepped up the table, almost bumping into a person who had tried to slide past him in just that moment.

"Sorry, sorry," he quickly apologized, and his heart almost stopped when he recognized the person to be you.

Your hair was wet, and you wore different clothes than on stage. That, plus the smell of shampoo made him assume you had taken a quick shower backstage, and then decided to come out here. As far as he knew you had never done that before, and the rest of the band was nowhere in sight either.

"No problem, nothing happened," you smiled at him, giving him yet another almost-heart-attack.

Gracefully you slipped behind the merch table, and looked at him expectantly.

"Already decided on what you want?"

It took Ryan a moment to understand that you were asking which article from merch he wanted to get, and he quickly stuttered his answer.

You nodded and turned around to search through the shirts, before eventually pulling out one with the design he had decided on.

"You're lucky," you grinned, presenting the shirt to him, letting him check if the print was alright, "this is the last one in your size. We held it back just for you."

Damn, was he really blushing as hard as it felt like he was? How old was he again? Thirteen?

"And, could I also maybe have a CD, please," he asked, making you gasp in mock-shock.

"You don't have the CD already," you asked wide eyes, but with a grin on your face, "that's a scandal."

"Yeah, I'm late; I know," he admitted, nervously fumbling for his wallet.

"Better late than never, right?"

"I guess so, I mean, I did listen to the music online," he admitted, making shake your head with a smile.

"That's cool, thanks," you answered, "uhm, the shirt and the CD... that makes 35dollars."

Ryan handed you two twenty dollar notes, and you gave him back five, which almost made his heart sink again, because this meant your conversation was as good as over until he remembered he could ask for a picture. Again he felt like one of the teenage girls who came up to him after his shows with iDKHOW, but he pushed the feeling aside.

"Hey, even if this might be a bit weird, but do you think we could take a picture together?"

You grinned and nodded happily at his question, so he quickly pulled out his mobile while you made your way back around the table next to him. When he had started the camera, you put your arm around his back as if it was the most natural thing in the world, making his heart skip a beat, before he placed his arm around you in return. You were shorter than him, so he angled the camera downwards a little, and when he saw you lean into him, he could not help the fond grin on his face as he quickly snapped a couple of pictures, hoping that at least one of them would turn out not completely blurred.

"Thank you so much, the show was amazing," he mumbled, when he pulled away again, making you laugh quietly.

"Thank you, I'm glad you had a good time, Ryan."

Surprised he turned to look at you.

"How do you know my name," he asked confused, making you laugh again.

"I may or may not be totally in love with iDKHOW," you confessed, and for a moment he was not sure if it wasn't your turn to blush now.

"Really," he asked surprised, finally feeling like he regained some of his confidence.

"Yeah, I was at a couple of shows, I really enjoyed it," you explained, making him smile embarrassedly.

"Why didn't you say anything, we could have met up afterwards," he asked, suddenly feeling like maybe you knew him better than he had originally assumed.

"Because I didn't know you knew the Midnight Demons," you asked back, "it only would have been super awkward if you had had no idea who I am."

Ryan laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, right, you couldn't have known."

For a moment you looked at each other hesitantly, before you spoke up again.

"Sooo, I'm thinking... I still have some work to do here, but maybe... I don't know. This is a stupid idea, forget it" you looked away, and this time Ryan was sure you were blushing.

"No, what were you about to say," he inquired curiously.

"If you like we could go out for a drink? The rest of the band is already on their way home, but I really feel like staying out a little longer, what do you think?"

Surprised Ryan looked at you. Had you really just asked him out for drinks?

"Uhm, sure, I don't mind waiting," he finally stuttered out, making you smile.

"Great, I'll try to hurry."

Luckily there were only a couple of fans left, and even though you took the liberty to have a chat with each one of them, you did not take very long, but long enough for Ryan to realise what exactly had happened. You had really asked him to come out for a couple of drinks! He was about to go to a bar, or restaurant, or club, or whatever, with you, one of the people whose skill and character he had admired for years from afar, not to mention that you even knew who he was.

After you had said good bye to the last people, and the guy who had helped sell the merch, you strode over to find Ryan leaning against a wall next to the exit. He had a black leather jacket pulled over his shoulder, and you were wrapped in your own jacket as well, protecting you against the cold outside.

"Shall we," you asked, and watched as he pushed himself off the wall.

He grinned shyly, and knowing it was directed at you personally made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Of course," he held the door open for you, and together you stepped outside into the night.

"I was thinking we could go to this small pub close by," you suggested, "it's kinda cosy, not too loud, and the people mind their own business."

You pulled a beanie out of your jacket pocket and over your head, Ryan watching closely with, as he was very well aware, an idiotically happy grin on his face.

"Sounds great, lead the way," he agreed, and side by side you walked down the street into the night.

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