Chapter 26

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Two days have passed since I realized I might like Adora. I found myself being more worried for her than I was already, I literally couldn't take my eyes of her, I felt like she would slip away if I did. Thankfully, passing time away from her has helped me not to think in Adora, I thought of telling the others about this romantic drama I was living, but I don't know why, I just decided not to.

And then I thought about Bow, about our conversation before 'rescuing' Entrapta, trying I mean. Does he know? He knew before I did. He knew of my feelings before I did.

And now we are going to the Northern Reach, close to the polar north of Etheria, because we've received activity from the Horde. And I am so lost right now, if I continue like this I won't be able to go in any more missions with them. At least the cold distracted me. "The Dragon's Daughter Five. She cuts a fine line on the sea, does she not?"

"Wait. What happened to the Dragon's Daughter Four? Oh, oh, oh! Was it adventure!?" Bow said, raising his voice at the end. "No. Termites... I couldn't save the old girl... Anyway, I'm honored to be a part of another daring mission for the Rebellion!" Sea Hawk turned to us with a big smile. "Well, you know, we needed a boat to get up here, and you have a boat." Adora said.

"Yes, I do. Heh... Truth be told, I was glad to have something to do. Mermista canceled our plans this week, and she's hanging out with her friends and didn't invite me to join them I--" Glimmer teleported next to him, patting his shoulder. "Well, let this mission distract you from all that. We've received reports of Horde activity in the Northern Reach."

"They've set up some kind of outpost, but we have no idea why." I said as I shrugged slightly. "The Northern Reach is nothing but snow and ice. What could they possibly be doing?" Bow asked, looking at his trackpad. "I don't know, but it can't be good." Adora muttered.

Some moments of silence went by, and Bow stepped to me. "So (Y/N), did you always had that date with Perfuma?" Bow nudged my arm, and I flushed in embarrasment. Yeah, Perfuma and I have been passing a lot of time together, Glimmer has been annoying the hell out of me, she doesn't want me to do anything alone and follows me everywhere. Perfuma was my only chance of escaping and being in peace.

"Ooooh, princess (Y/N) likes princess Perfuma?" Sea Hawk chuckled, my cheeks turning more red. "W-We are just getting to meet each other, ya know? Nothing serious!" Lies, it was to escape from Glimmer, but I don't want to be mean.

"Adora are you okay?" We turned our heads to look at Adora, who chuckled a bit. "Yeah I am. Why?" Glimmer was smiling nervously, almost as if she just got scared. "You were glaring at nothing and clenching on the sword."

"I'm fine! Nothing is wrong with me! I am alright!" Adora sighed heavily before shutting up, then we glanced at each other awkwardly, not quite sure what to say. This is going to be a long night.

// Timeskip //

"Come to think of it, Mermista never invites me to hang out with her other friends. I mean, heh, am I not cool enough for them? I'm so cool! I'm Sea Hawk!" My god we just reached the pole and he's still talking about Mermista, the cold isn't distracting me as much as I hoped it would, I embraced myself, the new winter clothes weren't enough to keep me warm.

"What's wrong? Did you see something?" We turned to look at Adora, who had kneeled on the snow. "No. I think there's something else out here."

"You know, they say all sorts of strange things happen in the Northern Reach. Voices on the wind. Monsters in the snow. Machines break down. Sailors disappear without a trace. We could be next! I am cool, right? I am. Right?" I sighed heavily, he has the same self-esteem as me, but at least I don't have such a big ego sometimes.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 | 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now