Chapter 24

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We ended up returning to the Whispering Woods the same day, we rested for a bit after telling Adora what happend to us, and our discovery that made Bow start to build some new arrows.

"I can't believe Entrapta's working for the Horde. Shadow Weaver messed with her mind. She must have. Right?" Adora asked, glancing at us. "I don't know. She seemed normal when we talked to her. Entrapta 'normal'... But still, she wants to be with the Horde. They do have better tech than us... But still, we have magic on our side!"

"Magic and tech aren't separate things. Entrapta is one of the only people who really understands that. She got closer to combining them than anyone else. And now she's with the Horde..." Adora and Glimmer turned to look at him, he chuckled nervously, Bow knew he wasn't helping.

"I'm sorry to contradict you Bow, but I don't think the First Ones tech is actually magic, maybe they knew more about technology than us, but not about magic. Well, the only exception is the sword." I pointed at Adora and Bow looked down, scratching his head. I smiled softly, looking at him. "We still got you Bow, tech master and premier member of the Etherian Maker Community."

Bow's arrow exploted, scaring me a bit. "Ah! Yeah, uh, meant to do that...! Sorry, (Y/N)..." Bow muttered as he vanished the small fire on the arrow.

"Ahoy!" We looked up to see Swift Wind flying towards us. "Be there in a sec! Comrades, I spotted buildings ahead. The outpost is close." 

Everyone kept quiet, and Glimmer clenched her fists. "Entrapta made her decision. We can't change that. But we can focus on our mission and help our people. We lost all contact with the farming outpost of Alwyn a week ago. The Horde hasn't been reported in the area, but we can't be too careful." 

Adora scoffed. "They're definitely involved. They always are."

"We can handle the Horde. I don't care if they have Entrapta's inventions. They're no match for us. We'll handle this the way we always do." Glimmer said, smiling.

"Brute strength?" 

"Almost dying?"

"Explosions?" I finished after Adora and Swift Wind. "No. No. And no! By sticking together and never giving up." Bow cheered, extending his arms up into the air. "Yeah! Best Friend Quint to the rescue! Because there's five of us?" We gazed at each other in silence.

"Okay, taking that one off the list..." Said Bow, walking away slowly as we followed him.

// Timeskip //

"Uh, hello? I thought you should know, I'm sensing something weird the closer we get to the outpost." We have been walking for some good fourty minutes and we still haven't found anything, and now, just now, the magical pegasus senses something?

"Weird? Like what?" Asked Adora as I yawned. I was too tired for this. "I can't describe it. Just weird. What is this place?"

"Alwyn is the Rebellion's biggest supplier of uh, well, supplies. It's basically one big orchard. One big, happy--" She stopped, staring at the quiet place, it looked abandoned. "One Incredibly creepy orchard..." I muttered. 

We heard a startling noise behind us, and we turned to see Swift Wind giving a bite to an apple. "What? Creepy apples taste just as good as normal apples."

"The outpost must be up ahead." We followed Glimmer closer, staring at the orchard from our hidding spot, well, trees. "I don't see any Horde soldiers. I actually don't see anyone. Where are they...?" Asked Adora, glancing around the orchard. "Maybe they're all inside?" I suggested. "Let me take a look. I've upgraded my tracker pad to detect Horde signals. If they're here, we'll find them with this." Said Bow as he took out the pad.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 | 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐏Where stories live. Discover now