Chapter 61 - 'It hurts, doesn't it?'

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"Look, I don't know why you're here, but you should leave," Hunter tells me.

"What, you don't want to see me?" A pout comes to my lips with my words.

"To be honest, no. We'll talk when I come back to Miami."

"Come on, Hunter," I say, my voice a purr. Kyle makes me step forward, getting as close to Hunter without touching him, as I can. My face comes within millimeters of his, but Hunter pulls back. His jaw is clenched, but his eyes are firm with his decision.

"Hm," Kyle says beside me. Kyle pushes me away, but to Hunter, I'm sure it just looks like me getting annoyed and stepping away. Kyle steps until he's looking directly into his eyes, moving his head as if examining a suspicious thing.

"Hunter," I say, Kyle watching me as he controls the situation. "I've come to talk to you because I left Reid. My time with Kyle made me realize my feelings for you, and how I don't want to let this go. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, so I want to spend the time with someone who means something to me."

Hunter's face transforms. It gets angry, his face clouded with shadows as crevices form. He had been saying for so long that he had feelings for me, and now that "I" have admitted my feelings, his reaction isn't something that I expected.

"No, you don't fucking do that," Hunter says, storming up to me, his hand coming within inches of my face. "You don't come here when it suits you and expect me to accept this with open arms. I waited for you, for so long. I was there when Reid wasn't, and I was patient. I waited long enough, and all this time you have strung me along. You don't get to pick and choose between me and Reid. You make up your fucking mind and stick with it. I'm not doing this anymore, I'm not going to be your second choice any longer, that you'll play with until Reid's interested in you again."

If I could I would gasp. Even with Kyle's control, tears still make their way to my eyes.

"It hurts, doesn't it? Why would that be? Maybe because what I made you say isn't wholly a lie?" Kyle says from beside me. I didn't want to hurt Hunter, and I know I have been over the past months. He's right. Everything he said was right, and I don't know what hurts me more. To know I've lost Hunter and hurt him, or to know that I was the one to cause it all. I did this, not Kyle. Kyle just opened the door to this whole conversation.

"So, are you really being truthful? Have you finished with Reid once and for all?" he asks. I know Kyle's answer, even before he makes me say it because it's the thing that will hurt both Hunter and me the most.

I feel my mouth opening and fight it.

"Scarlett," Hunter says, his hands coming down onto my face, making me look at him. Like being pulled back on a bungee rope, the wind is pushed out of my lungs with the sensation of Kyle's hold on me being pulled from me.

I gasp, the first gasp with Hunter that came from my own brain. Unlike with Reid, Kyle leaving wasn't voluntary.

Hunter forced him to leave. It all makes sense: why Kyle wouldn't allow Hunter to touch me.

I then realize something, Reid had been touching me without breaking the connection. I thought it was both of them, but it was only Hunter. It was only Hunter who could save me. I don't know the reason why, but I'm thankful for it all the same.

"No," I answer honestly. Being under my own influence, I can think straight. Now is probably not the time, but I find myself thinking about what Hunter was saying. I have the apeiro thing with Reid, but I still can't let go of Hunter.

"Thought so," Hunter says, going to retract his hands, but I catch them, returning them to my cheeks.

"Hunter, listen to me, please. I don't want to lose you, but this is more complicated than you think. I have feelings for you, I know I do, and I would love to be able to tell you that I will drop Reid to be with you, but Reid and I have this... bond, and," I sigh. "It's just complicated. I can't think straight right now. We'll talk about this, we will, but I need you to do something for me, first. You need to keep touching me."

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