Patrick Stump x Reader - Cancelled Scene

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"You mean if I'm looking forward to dragging you down a corridor," you laughed, thinking about the upcoming scene, where yours and Mel's character would break the struggling Patrick out of a prison cell.

"Doesn't sound like much fun if you put it like this," he shrugged.

"At least you get to wear some comfy jumpsuit, not this," unhappily you pointed to the tight leather outfit you were wearing.

"If it's any consolation, it does look good," he grinned.

You rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"I should hope so," you joked, but added more seriously "thanks, though."

For a while you stood in silence, both of you munching on your sandwiches. You were not exactly sure if the silence was a comfortable or an awkward one, but whenever you turned your head, to look at Patrick, he was already smiling at you, so you concluded that he at least did not mind the lack of conversation.

Patrick had just cleared his throat as if to prepare to say something, when suddenly voices grew loud on the other side of the set. It took you a moment to understand what it was about, but apparently there was something wrong with the set for the prison scene, and the equipment for the lights was not in place.

Patrick and you exchanged quick glances before carefully making your way into the direction of the noise.

"Then we can't shoot the scene," the director concluded, almost shouting, while throwing his hands up.

"What's going on," Patrick asked concerned.

"We gotta finish the scene tomorrow, sorry guys," the man apologised.

"Oh, okay," Patrick did not exactly sound disappointed, and you did not find it in you to care much either.

"I'm just gonna do a quick announcement, then everyone can go home," the director assured you, and hurried off.

"Oof, so we actually get to go home before midnight today," Patrick joked, and turned to you.

Indeed the past couple of days all of you had always stayed until long after midnight to finish all the scenes in time.

"Wow, I could be in bed in time, today," you laughed, pulling the black hair tie out, and allowing your long hair to fall freely over your shoulders, after they had been perfectly tied back the whole day.

"Or you could go out for dinner with me."

Patrick's voice sounded bold, but when you looked at him in surprise, you saw that he looked terribly nervous, his cheeks flushed adorably pink.

"Or, you know, like... not today, but some other time, or just coffee? I mean I've wanted to ask you for a while and-"

"I'd love to," you smiled shyly, interrupting Patrick's worried babbling, "maybe not full blown dinner, since we already had sandwiches, but a drink or two if you don't mind?"

Patrick looked at you wide eyed, and nodded, a smile starting to spread over his face.

"Sounds amazing," he agreed.

Before you could answer anything else, your conversation got interrupted by the voice of the producer, who, over the speakers, announced that the shoot was finished for today because of technical difficulties, and would be continued tomorrow according to the schedule.

"So... should we go," Patrick nervously smiled, and gestured towards the exit.

"I think we should get out of our costumes first, some people might start to panic when they see you," you suggested, nodding towards Patrick's orange jumpsuit, which he had put on before joining you at the buffet.

"Oh, yeah, that might be a good idea," he agreed, blushing again.

Together you walked back to your changing rooms, and agreed to meet back outside.

The room was empty except for Mel, who was also getting out of her costume right now. Quietly chatting, you dressed back in your normal clothes, while listening to Mel complaining about tomorrow's schedule being all messed up now because of the delayed shoot. You did not mention that you were glad the last scene had been cancelled and therefore gave you the chance to go out with Patrick. Instead you just nodded along, took off your make up, threw on your warm pullover and the cosy jacket, before pulling your beanie over your head, and saying good night to her.

Patrick was already waiting outside, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, covered by a leather jacket again, but this time the clothes were not stained red with fake blood as in the scene you had finished shooting earlier. As always he wore the dorky fedora again, and shot you a bright smile when he spotted you.

"Ready," he asked, sounding both nervous and excited.

"Ready," you agreed with the same excitement, returning the shy grin.

"Great, then let's go," Patrick offered you his arm to take, which you did after hesitating shortly.

Was it really okay to just... link your arms while you were still around your workplace? But when you saw how nervous Patrick reacted to your short hesitation, you decided that you did not really care about what the other people thought, and took hold of his arm, allowing him to lead you towards the exit.

"So, any idea where we're going," you decided to ask on your way out.

"I have absolutely no clue," Patrick admitted, "I thought we could just... like wander off into the night and see what we stumble upon."

"Sounds good," you smiled, already aware of how much you adored his spontaneity.

Holding open the door for you, Patrick and you left the huge building in which the sets were located. The night was cool, and refreshing after the stuffy air inside, and the sky was clear allowing you to see the stars. Actually you probably would not mind if you would not find anywhere to get drinks at, just walking through the streets, side by side would be enough for you. Taking a short look at Patrick, you had a feeling he thought the same.

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