Merry Christmas

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"Wake up! Wake up!"
Maxon and I groan as the twins jump on our bed with Kaden and Osten.
"Can't you let us sleep a little bit longer?" Maxon requests.
"Come on dad. You can't sleep in now. It's Christmas!" Ahren exclaims.
"Please get up. Please, please, please," Eadlyn begs.
"Alright. But I can't get up with you wild animals all over me."
They all giggle and climb off the bed except for Osten who crawls over to me and hugs me. I smile and sit up, hugging him back.
"You guys sure you're ready? You don't want to sleep anymore? Maybe take a nap," I tease.
"No mommy. We have to see if Santa ate our cookies and left us gifts," Kaden explains.
"Oh right. I forgot about that."
I get out of bed and set Osten on the floor. He's now four years old. The twins are twelve and Kaden is eight. I can't believe how big they're getting.
"Mommy," Osten whines while reaching for me.
"Hold on sweetie," I say gently.
I quickly put on my robe then pick him back up.
Maxon reluctantly gets out of the bed.
"Come on dad! We can't wait forever," Eadlyn complains.
"Yeah dad. Hurry up," I say with a grin.
He points at me and can't help but smile. "You be quiet over there. As for you two."
He turns the twins and picks them both up, spinning them around.
They giggle and squeal. "Stop! No dad! We have to hurry downstairs."
He smiles and sets them down. He takes their hands.
"Come on then."
I hold Osten with one arm and hold Kaden's hand with the other.
We all make our way to the living room.

The kids eyes light up when they see all of the gifts under the tree. We set everything up last night and asked for maids to have the lights on early so that everything would be on for the kids.
"There's so many!" Ahren exclaims.
"You kids must've been good this year. Good job," Maxon tells them.
"Go sit," I instruct them.
They all sit on the floor by the fireplace.
Maxon sits with Osten on the couch to help him open things.
"Can I open one first?" Ahren asks.
"No I want to!" Eadlyn argues.
"Well first we're doing stockings like always. And since you two can't be nice your little brothers can open a gift first," I decide.
"Awwww," they both whine.
I give them each their stockings.
They all empty their stockings full of candy and small toys with excitement. Once they're through with that, we begin my favorite part. The kids get to open their gifts. I let Osten open one first since he's the youngest.
Maxon helps him unwrap it.
He giggles excited at the new stuffed animal.
"You like it?" I ask.
He nods and hugs it.
I smile big and hand a gift to Kaden. He opens it where the parts are taped, revealing a geode rock kit. He's been into science projects lately, and this one is perfect for learning to identify the geodes.
"Woah," he says amazed.
"Your dad can help you break them open later if you'd like," I offer.
He looks at Maxon excited. "Can you dad?"
"Of course bud," Maxon agrees.
He smiles at the box.
I hand Eadlyn hers next.
She opens it and finds a journaling kit.
"This is so cool! I get to decorate it myself!"
"You do."
"Can I open it now?"
"Let's wait until we're done. We have lots of more things to open."
She nods and I hand Ahren his first gift.
He doesn't wait to tear it open.
"Yes! This is awesome!" He grins at the set of action figures.
We all open our gifts one at a time until they're all gone. We did a little extra for the kids this year since they were so well behaved. We felt that they deserved it.
Once everything's unwrapped we help the kids open their favorite gifts to play with.
The maids bring in hot cocoa and orange cinnamon rolls. They also bring us a bowl of fruit.
I sit with Maxon and get myself a cinnamon roll.
"I love this," he says while putting his arm around me.
I smile at him. "Me too."
"It's the perfect break. Everyone's so happy and relaxed. It feels good."
"I'm glad you think so. You deserve it."
I kiss his cheek then bite into my cinnamon roll.
Osten comes over and pulls himself on the couch. He points to my cinnamon roll.
"You want one?" I ask.
He nods.
I get him one and give him a small piece.
He chews it happily.
We all spend the day in the living room playing board games, eating delicious food, and just being happy.

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter on this very special day. It's my gift to you! Thank you for all of your support. I love you guys! I wish you all happiness and safety while you celebrate with your loved ones. Let me know in the comments what you got for Christmas!

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