The Announcement

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Since I'm already ten weeks pregnant, we're going to announce to the country that we're pregnant. Normally we'd wait until twelve weeks, but I'm already showing a bit and we don't want to hide it. We're going to announce it tonight on the report. I'm both nervous and excited. I'm sure everyone will be happy for us, but who knows how they'll react.
Maxon's obsessed with the baby. It's a little annoying sometimes. He's so proud by the five pounds I've gained already. I've eaten so much food at dinner I'm not surprised. I get it, I'm fat. He can stop pointing it out now! He's always around now too, unless he has a meeting that is. He's way to protective.
I've been dealing with the pregnancy well so far. I haven't even had many symptoms. Well, I'm always hungry. But other than that nothing. I've barely had morning sickness! My mom says I'm very lucky. And I am. I have all I could ask for.
"You ok?" Maxon asks, looking at me.
I smile. We're in our room preparing for the announcement.
"Sorry, just got a little spaced out I say."
He smiles then goes back to the full length mirror to try to correct his already perfect outfit. Even Maxon, my strong confident Maxon, is nervous.
Once he's done messing with his outfit, we go to the report room.
I take a deep breath. I'm starting to feel like I'm gonna throw up...
Sylvia directs us onto the stage and we sit with Gravil.
He talks to Maxon and asks questions that I don't even hear. I can't focus through my nerves. I barely hear when Gravil asks how I'm adjusting to being queen and married to Maxon.
I smile.
"It's amazing Gravil. I couldn't be happier. It's a bit of a challenge being queen, especially since all I ever was was just a small singer. Being married? Now that's the real challenge," I say grinning at Maxon.
"Hopefully a good on," Gravil replies.
"Of course. I love Maxon with all my heart. I couldn't ask for a better husband."
"That's great to hear," he says in his cheery voice.
"I feel the same way," Maxon comments.
"Now, I heard you have some news for us earlier," Gravil brings up.
"We do," Maxon says, looking at me.
"A few days ago we got some amazing news. I am currently ten weeks pregnant," I state with a smile.
People immediately start cheering. I look at Maxon who has a grin on his face, like he wasn't nervous and was confident the entire time. Sure, you keep thinking that.
I guess it turned out alright after all.

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